Worth 100,000 euros, this violin was found in a garbage can in Paris

Happy ending for musician Enrico Tedde’s violin. Three months after it was stolen from a train, the instrument worth 100,000 euros was accidentally found by a passer-by in the heart of the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

“It is he. He did not change.” Relief for Enrico Tedde. The musician found his violin on March 10. The latter was stolen from him in November 2021 on a train between Poitiers and Paris. The instrument was found near a garbage can in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, reveals the Parsian† We know nothing about his journey or the identity of the passer-by. The latter preferred to remain anonymous, refusing the promised reward to anyone who would return the precious object to her musician.

“The lady saw him on the sidewalk. She waited a few minutes to see if it belonged to anyone. She eventually took it home.”

Enrico Tedde at Parisian

After opening the suitcase with the violin, the anonymous discovers the instrument, but also two bows and sheet music. She identifies the owner thanks to his passport, stored in the suitcase. “He was all black. You could just read my name”Enrico Tedde specifies daily.

An invitation as a reward

Thanks to this precious information, the woman conducts research on the Internet and comes across articles about the theft of the violin. A few months pass. In March, the musician discovers a voice message on his answering machine. “They tell me: we don’t want to give you any illusions, but a lady has found a violin. We think it’s yours. It was amazing. †

After finding his precious companion, Enrico Tedde confides to him: “It was my violin in the box, a little dirty. It was a bit stuck, the bridge moved a bit. † As for the woman, if she refused a reward, she nevertheless accepted a… “invitation to the 30th anniversary concert of the Champs-Élysées Orchestra, on May 15”accurate to Parisian Jean-Louis Gavatorta, manager of the Champs-Élysées Orchestra, led by Enrico Tedde.

A beautiful story that makes you smile.

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