It’s a perilous but successful rescue for the Breton firefighters. In the town of Concarneau, in Brittany, a chain of solidarity made it possible to release a young stranded dolphin a few hours earlier.
The week started strongly for the people of Concarneau, in Finistère. This Monday, February 7, two students from the Nautical Institute of Brittany discover a blue and white dolphin stranded on the rocks. The animal, which is still alive, is lightly skinned and its hours are counted. After an initial failed attempt to get it back into the water, the two men alerted the seaside restaurant so that staff could notify authorities.
Then a very nice chain of solidarity is created. The restorer called 911 as well as the marine biology station and Marinarium. Once there, the referent for strandings in the sector contacts Willy Dabin, the head of the National Strandings Network in La Rochelle. He is the one who organizes the rescue.
Two hours after the discovery of the marine mammal, the firefighters of Quimper and Concarneau launched their action plan to save the animal. They succeed in hoisting the young dolphin onto a stretcher and putting it back in the water with a boat. Twenty minutes later, the mammal had reached the sea.
As a reminder, stranding a live marine mammal is quite rare. If you witness it, do not touch the animal and immediately contact the National Strandings Network on 05 46 44 99 10, as Willy Dabin rightly reminds us.