VIDEO. In Belle-Île-en-Mer, these children go to school in the forest

In the collective imagination, a classroom consists of several rows of desks aligned between four walls. However, other formats are also possible, more innovative, more open to the world and more conducive to the development of children. Example in Belle-Île-en-Mer where every Friday a teacher teaches in the forest.

It happens in the kindergarten of Stanislas-Poumet. Here, regardless of the weather, we get ready to go to the woods every Friday morning.

France 2 went there like no other to observe this classroom. To look :

The forest allows a lot. You can of course play sports, but also learn to count, express yourself, develop your imagination… And above all, you just have to observe it to learn a lot about the natural sciences.

Marie-Claude Thomas, teacher:

It’s super interesting because from week to week there are notable changes. We see plants that have grown that were not there last week

Given all its assets, the forest has a huge impact on the development of children.

“They are much more curious, there is a class climate, benevolence, cooperation. We are in a healthy place, we breathe fresh air, we are much calmer to learn, so we learn better.”

When will forest schools open all over France?

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