Three months after his disappearance and 150 km later, Obi finds his boss safe and sound

Three months on the run and traveling more than 150 kilometers: the dog Obi finally found his home with his owner Jean-Louis. The lagotto romagnolo disappeared on January 7. His master, living in Monteferrand-en-Périgord, in the Dordogne, had loaned his companion to a friend as part of a projection. But the 3 and a half year old animal fled his hometown. The search then begins… without success.

In the context of the disappearance of an animal, it is advisable to first report this via notices and posters in the area. That’s what the owner did. But the search was in vain. Until we heard that Obi was hit by a car on January 24th. The dog, visibly robust, continued on his way, still making his rescue impossible, reports West France

A little over a month later, on March 3, his owner saw him in the company of other dogs. “But he ran away from me”he said to The afternoon broadcast. “Maybe he didn’t recognize me…”

It will be another thirty days before Obi is found. In Lot-et-Garonne, on April 9, the dog crosses paths with the president of the association Cœur à 4 pattes. Lucky for Obi’s owner! Thanks to a little food, the president is able to lure the dog and the two companions find each other.

A story about reunions as we like to see them!

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