Reporting to a police station is not easy, regardless of the reason. For To help victims overcome this difficult ordeal, there is now an easier and more effective alternative: filing a complaint online. Light on this welcome initiative and still little known.
Going to the police station to report online fraud is not the same as reporting rape. Even today, many victims of violence do not dare to go through the door of the police for fear of “disturbance”, to be judged or little considered by the officers. As a result, a large number of crimes and offenses go unpunished.
To facilitate the process, a platform has been created: Submit your complaint. This initiative is led by litigants and supported by a committee composed of legal professionals, associations and civil society actors. His goal ? Bring concrete solutions to the victims while waiting for the government to one day take charge of the case.
“We are open to full cooperation with the State in the sense of a robust and sustainable public service of justice. When the State has developed an online complaints platform with which a complaint can be submitted for any violation, we commit to ending our services the same day.
Submit your complaint
How it works ?
Are you a victim of violence, discrimination, cyber bullying, sexist acts, material damage…? You can file a complaint online, because “French law allows any victim of a crime to contact the public prosecutor directly, without going through a police station or a lawyer.”
To do this, go to Submit your complaint. Then complete the questionnaire to submit a complaint, possibly using the different elements that the platform makes available to you. Your complaint will be sent directly to the public prosecutor by registered letter. A tracking system will inform you in due course. Upon receipt of your complaint, you will receive instructions to restart the relevant services.
It is important to keep in mind that your complaint may lead to several decisions:
- The public prosecutor can ask an investigating judge to continue the investigation
- or go straight to a court
- or decides not to proceed and issue a rating advice without further action
If you have not received a response within three months or if your complaint has been rejected, the platform can put you in touch with an investigating judge with the aim of taking public action and investigating the facts you have denounced.
A simple, concrete and effective solution to help victims.