Sharing their Netflix account with their parents, their Canal+ codes with their roommates or their Deezer subscription with their friends, many people have already opted for this solution to save a little money every month. And if this has been done informally until now, a new start-up called Diivii is now structuring this practice of pooling. Because not only cars and apartments can be shared.
“If you take out Netflix, Spotify, Playstation and Amazon prime subscriptions, it costs 575 euros per year. If you share your subscriptions, it comes to 145 euros, or 430 euros saved per year”explains Anthony Chemaly, co-founder of the shared subscription platform at France Inter† Together with his brother Tom, they have just launched their new start-up, hatched at Station F. In just a month they already attracted 10,000 subscribers.
It must be said that the solution is attractive. At a time when streaming is dethroning television and CDs, multiplying accounts across platforms comes at a price. In total, more than 120 platforms would be eligible for their co-subscription solution, the two brothers emphasize. They are divided into seven categories: e-commerce, music, reading, security, software, video games, video on demand.
A legal solution
In concrete terms, it is the same principle as carpooling. If you have a Netflix subscription for four screens, you can share it with 3 fellow subscribers and thus divide your costs by four. During the first month, the account owner pays 25% of the connection costs to the platform, after that Diivii receives 20 cents and 5% of the subscription amount for the co-subscriber.
For more recalcitrant folks, know that the solution is completely legal. Diivii only lists solutions on its platform that qualify for co-subscriptions, such as the Spotify Family or duo package. In addition, the start-up has also partnered with Société Générale to secure its payments and has received approval from the Banque de France to return payments to shared account holders.
For more information, visit the Diivii account, here.