183 euros net per month. This is the amount of the raise awarded to the 14,000 social work professionals, such as educators, educators, assistants and social workers, employed by non-profit associations specializing in child protection or support for vulnerable people, such as women who are victims of are of domestic violence, homeless people or people with disabilities.
The operation was announced on Thursday, February 17 by Matignon, reports the Parisian† This will cost 540 million euros this year, 70% of which will be borne by the state. The rest is done by the departments. Then, according to Prime Minister Jean Castex’s entourage, it will cost 720 million euros in a whole year.
The details of the operation must be communicated by Jean Castex on Friday, February 18, on the occasion of a “conference of professions of social and medico-social support”, we can read in the daily newspaper that also indicates that a major project is ahead lies for the sector: the negotiations on a new collective labor agreement for the entire social sector. In order to achieve this target, which is set for 2024, 500 million euros per year must also be made available.
A sector that needs recruitment
There are many expectations in this sector in crisis, which needs recruitment. In question ? A bit of recognized profession with too low a salary. Specialized educators, for example, start their career with a salary of 1,300 euros per month. The net media salary only increases to 1,770 euros per month.
If the measures currently announced concern people working for non-profit associations, an additional envelope of €90 million for the year 2022 (120 million in a full year) should cover the social aspects of public service workers . 30,000 people would be affected.
Will these upgrades make it possible to attract candidates for this in-demand sector?