Alliance Against Tobacco (ACT) unveils a filter on the social network Snapchat to warn about child labor in tobacco fields. This lens called #DerrièreLePaquet will be available until March 6, 2022.
† Smoking kills children”. Alliance Against Tobacco warns on its Snapchat filter about the downside of the tobacco industry. The goal is to allow “to young smokers and smokers to realize what’s behind the packs: an industry that exploits more than a million children in the tobacco fields at the expense of their health and their future”, the organization specifies in a press release. According to the ACT, 2 in 3 people in France do not know that children are active in the tobacco industry.
On a digital cigarette pack, ACT shows some faces of the 1.3 million children who are exploited in the tobacco fields. According to the organization, in contact with tobacco leaves, these young “are victims of nicotine poisoning and exposure to extremely toxic agricultural chemicals, which affects their development”† Called #DerrièreLePaquet, this lens will be available on Snapchat from February 21 to March 6, 2022. This process is part of an awareness campaign called “Let’s Change Their Future”, launched on February 22. A black-and-white film and a petition addressed to presidential candidates complete the system.
“Through this campaign on Snapchat, we want the package young people have in their hands to be the last. We want them to understand that behind their package lies an even more cruel reality than we think: it is endangering not only their own lives, but also the lives of more than a million young people their age around the world who are being exploited by the tobacco industry. fields”specifies Marion Catellin, director of the Anti-Tobacco ACT Alliance in a press release.
(ETX Daily Up)