Jean-Marc Jancovici, Cyril Dion, Camille Étienne, Boris Cyrulnik, Grégoire Fraty… In a column published yesterday on sunday newspaper17 civil society personalities invited the president and his entire future administration to follow » a compulsory 20-hour training on environmental issues† To support the process, a petition has been put online that is open to everyone.

The parliamentary elections of 12 and 19 June 2022 are expected to be a major political event: at the end of these elections, the Macron government will be installed for a second five-year term. Therefore, civil society is mobilizing to make ecology an absolute priority by making a strong claim, namely that of mandatory training for all members of government in ecological issues. The idea is not new: it made the news in Switzerland last week. Starting from the principle that the largely inadequate balance sheet of the past five years could not increase” from a lack of courage, or worse, of convictions of decision-makers, the signatories advocate knowledge of climate issues as a powerful way to overcome political inertia. Here is their platform.
“Mr President,
Anyone educated in environmental issues knows that the data is factual, scientific, Cartesian and not dependent on belief or political opinion. The Citizens’ Climate Convention was a good example: 150 French people from all walks of life were drawn by lot and at the end of a 20-hour training course, 100% of them were convinced of the urgency and importance of ecological action.
“The data is factual, scientific, Cartesian and does not depend on religion or political opinion. †
The grandstand, in the sunday newspaper
When there is a discussion about how the transition should be carried out, there should be no discussion about the reasons, nor about its urgency. The IPCC was formal, we must act now to reverse the curve of greenhouse gas emissions within three years. The time to sound the alarm has come and obliges you and your government to make ecological transition your priority. Every twenty minutes an animal or plant species disappears, three in four children in France breathe toxic air and rising temperatures will lead to unprecedented economic and political crises. The action must be immediate.
We refuse to believe that the inadequacy of the previous five-year term in this area was due to a lack of courage or, worse, convictions. The ecological transition is a cross-cutting issue, a matter of justice that affects all parts of our society, all ministries and all ministers that your Prime Minister will appoint.
“The ecological transition is a cross-cutting issue, a matter of justice that concerns all parts of our society, all ministries and all ministers that your Prime Minister will appoint. †
The grandstand at sunday newspaper
These ministers will come from a wide variety of backgrounds, academic training and skills and, of course, not all of them will be experts in the field. We are not waiting for this new government to be ready when it comes, that would be intellectually dishonest. What we expect is that you are ready to train yourself and the entire government team, because training is a prerequisite for action. It’s not just about informing you – we know you have the best access to data – but creating a space for dialogue, influence, to develop awareness.
“It’s not just about informing you – we know you have the best access to data – but creating a space for dialogue, influence, to develop awareness. †
The grandstand at sunday newspaper
We expect you to participate in a demanding training, in twenty hours, in attendance, without delegation and by following the methodology of the competent institutions addressing the climate problem from all its angles, not limited to energy issues. Training is the essence of transformation. Knowledge is power. Without you we will not succeed in the ecological transition. We are counting on you to accept this exercise. †
If you also believe that knowledge is a prerequisite for action, sign the petition.