Leaving Social Networks for a Week: The Key to Reducing Stress and Anxiety?

Social networks are becoming more and more important in our lives. But not being with them for a week can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, says a study from the University of Bath, UK.

The study, published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networkswas carried out on 154 people between the ages of 18 and 72, we can read on the British news site Evening Standard† The first half of these people stayed connected to social networks, while the other half did not use them for seven consecutive days.

After this week on the diet of Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or Instagram, participants were asked about their level of anxiety and depression, as well as their sense of well-being.

Results ? Those who banned social networks from their daily lives for a week, have seen their level of well-being increases moderately while the level of depression and anxiety decreased slightlytold the news site Dr. Jeff Lambert, lead author of the study conducted for the Department of Health at the University of Bath.

“Many of our participants reported positive effects of not having social media, with overall improved mood and less anxiety.”

dr. Jeff Lambert

Less use of networks: the key to happiness?

For the physician, this study suggests that a break, even a short one, from social networks can have a positive effect on the mental health of internet users. “Social media is a part of life and for many people it is an indispensable part of who they are and how they interact with others”the doctor said to Evening Standard“But if you spend hours scrolling every week and feel like it’s negatively impacting you, it might be worth cutting back on your usage to see if that helps.

The question for researchers is whether the use of social networks leads to psychological problems or whether they only accentuate an already existing malaise.

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