How to grow a fig tree: 5 questions to ask yourself before you start

Picking and tasting juicy figs straight from your garden is the dream of many people. If you are lucky enough to have a large enough outdoor space, consider growing your own fig tree on the ground or in a pot. There are several types of fig trees, but the one that is most common in private gardens is the common fig (or Ficus carica) because these flowers do not need to be pollinated. This makes it a great asset to hobby gardeners and gardeners who want to eat their figs fresh or make homemade jams.

How to cut down a fig tree?

You do not need to buy a fig tree in a specialized store. If you know of any relatives who have a fig tree in their yard, you can simply take a cutting. How ? The technique is quite simple and is done from April to June when the tree is in full growth. To prevent disease, disinfect your scissors with 90 ° alcohol, cut under one eye a branch of the year, still green, and check if it has 3 or 4 pairs of leaves. Then take a large enough pot, line the bottom with gravel for good drainage and fill it with a third potting soil, a third compost and a third sand.

Remove the leaves at the base of the branch and some of the other, then pinch the head of the branch. Plant the cutting in your pot after making a small hole in it, wrap it around the twig and water everything.

Finally, place your pot under a frame and water regularly to keep the soil moist. Repot the following fall. [1]

Photo: Shutterstock

Plant a fig tree directly in the ground or in a container?

Fig trees like warm, temperate climates. In the hottest regions they can be planted on the ground, but in the coldest regions it is better to grow your fig tree in a container and cover it during the coldest months of the year. In any case, install your fig tree in a place that is well exposed to the sun’s rays. If you plant them directly in the ground, keep in mind that the roots of these trees can be very deep. It is better not to place this tree near a house or a terrace. If you feel like planting several specimens, space them a few feet apart (at least 6) before growing them the way they want. [2]

Also be careful not to plant your tree(s) too close to your neighbors fence, if you have one. For more details, go to this article: Barbecue, mower, maintenance: what can and cannot be done in your garden?

Photo: Shutterstock

What time of year should you plant a fig tree?

Like many trees, the fig tree is planted in early spring or autumn, that is, when it is “dormant”. This is the best time of year to make sure it takes root well and sees figs sprouting from the tops of its branches.

How to maintain a fig tree?

A common potted fig tree requires little maintenance from the gardener or planter. Water it regularly (a little more if your climate is very dry) and give it a nitrogen-rich fertilizer every 4 weeks, in the spring and summer, if you find it isn’t growing fast enough (less than 20 centimeters). In winter, don’t forget to put your fig tree in a shelter if it is too cold and to keep the soil moist.

Between fall and spring, identify dead, diseased or weak branches and clip them to encourage growth.

You can also prune your fig tree during vegetative rest, ie from November to February. You can renew the operation in May, just after the harvest. [3]

Photo: Shutterstock

How to harvest figs?

Has the expected time of year arrived? Your fig tree has produced figs and you want to taste them? Unless the birds have already done their job? To prevent this and protect your crops, you can place a net around your fig tree.

Then pick the fruit when it looks ripe. Child, when handling your fig tree, do not forget to wear gloves: the sap irritates the skin!

Now you know how to plant a fig tree. Continue reading this article: Vegetable garden: 12 perennial vegetables to plant once and harvest for years to come.

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