The construction of bicycle paths must meet very specific requirements. To guarantee the comfort and safety of cyclists, they have to respect certain basic rules, which translate into very special regulations.
Choose a suitable track
When constructing a new bicycle path, the government can make several choices. For example, they can opt for mixed traffic with simple markings on the ground or even a bicycle street, a lane that gives way to cyclists and in which it is strictly forbidden to overtake them. Finally, they can choose to build a cycle path when traffic requires it for safety reasons, such as on major urban axes with strong impact.
Disconnecting tracks from the road network
In order to guarantee the safety of cyclists, it is then necessary to clearly mark the separation between the route intended for them and the road reserved for cars. This can result in the application of a border along the entire route or in the choice of a specific color for the background.
Ensure the comfort of cyclists
The first comfort for cyclists is, of course, the place reserved for them. It is therefore generally recommended to lay tracks with a width of at least 3 m, in order to avoid traffic jams and facilitate overtaking. The coating must be as flat and clean as possible to be perfectly suited to all types of bicycles in circulation today, including electric ones.
Don’t underestimate the importance of special facilities
Whoever says bicycle path also says to plan a whole battery of work and equipment. Because a bicycle path is by definition not a long straight road. It passes roundabouts, tunnels or even pedestrian bridges, ie all sectors that require specific regulations. The same applies to signage, on the ground and via signage.
Prioritize the runway above all traffic
In order not to slow down the flow of cyclists, they must be given right of way at intersections and make provisions that improve the flow of traffic for cyclists. They must ensure their safety, ie help them adjust their speed while maintaining a perfect level of vision.
Today, France has just under 20,000 km of cycling routes. By 2030, this total should be more than 25,000 km.
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