This magnanimous entrepreneur could not see himself handing over the reins of his business without thanking his employees. Before his retirement, he decided to pay his team a very nice bonus of several thousand euros. Light on this generous gesture and honorable.
Almost 17,800 euros. Here is the impressive amount that the 150 employees of the insulating glass manufacturer TIV, in Treize-Spetiers, in the Vendée, will receive. After 18 years at the helm of this Vendée company, Jean-Yves Glumineau is about to turn a corner. But before retiring, this boss decided to leave a portion of the company’s sale to all his employees. An amount estimated at more than 2 million, 680,000 euros.
“It’s not generosity, it’s recognition. If the employees had not been involved in the growth of the company, we would not be here today. This premium is legitimate. †
Jean-Yves Glumineau, quoted by France 3
For Jean-Yves Glumoneau, “a man is nothing in himself”as he explains to our brothers and sisters of France 3† It must be said that in less than twenty years the company has multiplied its turnover by 5. A success that he owes in large part to his team.
This bonus, spread over three years (ten euros per day worked), is paid to all employees with a permanent contract or a fixed-term contract. Moreover, the first payments were already received last January. An amount that falls sharply at the beginning of the year.
Only downside in this story: 60% of the premium amount is amputated, on the one hand because of employer’s contributions and wage costs on the other.
A nice boost that rewards years of work.