While the news weighs heavily on women’s right to freely dispose of their bodies, especially with regard to abortion, vasectomy presents itself as a simple solution to ensure contraception within heterosexual couples. But it is still necessary to be informed about this procedure. On Twitter, the writer Adrien Thomas shared his experience of encouraging men not to leave the burden of contraception to their companions.
“I’m sterile. The end.” It is a precious testimony that Adrien Thomas gave on Twitter on Sunday 8 May. This novelist, author of fantasy and childless books, first explains why he decided to have a vasectomy:
“First, this desire was based on an observation: I don’t want children. It was never my thing, that’s the way it is. Until now I have always ‘trusted’ (= left the burden) to my partners for contraception”writes the former zoologist before adding that by thinking about the subject, by informing himself, he realizes that “Something” the gene. A biological fact actually: “Women are fertile for a short period once a month. Always men.”
“See you in 4 months”
Adrien Thomas then makes an appointment with his GP, then with a urologist. “The advantage of being a man, no doubt, the dialogue that took place was, ‘Are you sure you don’t want kids?
– Yes.
– OKAY. We make an appointment for in 4 months.”
“If you have the woman keep a brass thing in the womb or have to take pills, you have to think about it EVERY DAY and is undergoing significant side effects comparable to a quick, painless and side effect-free surgery?”
Adrian Thomas, writer
4 months later, the man goes to the hospital for surgery. “I was in the cabbage, I hardly remember”, he says of this procedure that only takes about 30 minutes. Normally, patients recover quite well from surgery. But Adrien Thomas says he has the… “villain” † “I was out of luck. I had an extremely rare allergic reaction to the disinfectant. Suddenly I had immobilization for almost a month.”
3 months after his operation, in which he is still considered fertile, the writer passed a spermogram in the laboratory, confirming the success of his procedure.
- To read about it, this article is reserved for our subscribers: Vasectomy: why are the French lagging behind?
“For people who don’t want/more children and know for sure: there is really no excuse to do this. It is fast, not very restrictive, covered by social security, with no side effects and effective.”
Adrian Thomas, writer
“I am ashamed”
If Adrien Thomas chose to speak up about his experience, it’s in response to threats looming over the right to abortion around the world and more recently in the United States. A Supreme Court project leaked to the press last week. We learn that the judges want to reconsider the verdict Roe v. waden† Thanks to the latter, American women have been able to apply for voluntary termination of pregnancy completely legally since 1973. Since this revelation, voices advocating for women’s rights have continued to be heard across the Atlantic, such as that of US Senator Elizabeth Warren, who expressed her “anger” before the Supreme Court.
On our side of the Atlantic, women’s rights activists have also taken the floor on social networks. the author of This is my postpartumFor example, Illana Weizman shared her abortion story with her subscribers:
“I had an abortion because it was my choice at the time. Because at that time I was not ready to have a child.
Illana Weizman
Adrien Thomas, for his part, does not necessarily want to be congratulated on his approach: “It’s taken me a long time to do something basic and simple responsible, frankly I’m ashamed that it took me so long. I just want it to be seen more as an option for guys.”
May his word touch men who are still too little convinced of the importance of taking responsibility for contraception within their couple. In 2019, 13,000 men had a vasectomy in France, 4,000 more than the year before. A growing number but still insufficient.