VIDEO. These images illustrate Anne-Sophie Lapix’s tenacity towards politics

Strange as it may seem in a democracy, in France presidential election candidates can choose who they want to be interviewed by or not. So, for the debate between the two rounds, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen both chose to fire Anne-Sophie Lapix. Why her ? Probably because the journalist has an annoying tendency to want answers to her questions, even if they are a bit disturbing. Illustration in photos.

In an article devoted to “all those times when Anne-Sophie Lapix did her job in the face of politicians“, the HuffPost is clear: “The France 2 journalist, who was rejected by Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron for the debate between the two rounds, is paying … for her tenacity in the interview.” And it’s true that, when we take a quick look in the rear-view mirror of Ane-Sophie Lapix’s career, we realize that she sometimes upsets the female and male politicians she interviews. In other words, it does its job. To be convinced, this little compilation:

On an informative and democratic level, a journalist’s stubbornness and irreverence are obvious qualities. And if we understand that this state of mind is hardly appreciated by politicians, we understand less that they can choose who has the right to ask them questions.

Wednesday, April 20, so you won’t hear Anne-Sophie Lapix. Should she see this as a failure or as a compliment? Everyone has their own idea.

FYI, this debate will be broadcast on France 2 at 8 p.m. and will eventually be moderated by Léa Salamé and Gilles Bouleau.

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