If he wants to help nature to be reborn, man has only one thing left to do: do nothing! Demonstration at Niort where a forest has been sheltered from all human activity for sixteen years. Result: a fauna and flora in full rebirth.
This forest is located exactly in Chizé. Her name ? The integral biological reserve of the Sylve d’Argenson. It extends over 2,600 hectares. Its peculiarity? It is surrounded by 25 km of gates and only a gated entrance allows access…provided you are formally authorized to do so.
In a later era, from 1953 to 1968, the site served as an ammunition depot for the US military. But since 2006, this forest has become a beautiful refuge. The idea is not to touch anything anymore, to let nature take back its rights and let each species bloom freely… or give way naturally to others.
For example, we see that oak and maple are currently giving way to beech, while deer and orchids are proliferating, as is the number of species of birds that inhabit the site (more than 80).
TF1 devoted a very nice report to this forest like no other. To look :
From now on, man intervenes only to count and observe. In fact, as one of them says in this report, it is a “real living laboratory.” Thanks to the forest of Chizé, it is possible to see how nature organizes itself freely and to understand how it reacts to global warming.
A valuable site for both biodiversity and human knowledge.