It is aesthetic, practical, useful and environmentally conscious. Here is “Jacques Moineau”, the first wooden planter made in France that can accommodate plants and birds. Discovery.
Behind this amusing and intriguing name lies a wonderful initiative. The French company Verdangry, based in Montpellier, has just created a garden box like no other. Its peculiarity? Promotion of biodiversity in cities.
“Jacques Moineau” is a Made in France creation that consists of a “metal” flower box with a capacity of 9 liters, three nest boxes for sparrows and two houses for pipistrelles (bats). If the startup has preferred these two types, it is for the simple and good reason that they are now in decline, especially in urban areas (less greenery, pollution, etc.).
With their urban gardener, Anthony, Émilien and Philippe, the founders of Verdangry, want to raise awareness among the French population and enable everyone to do their bit for the environment.
“We want to take concrete action for a society that is more inclusive of nature, raise awareness among our citizens and enable them to take action for the environment on a daily basis. †
To publicize this great project, the company is counting on the support of Internet users. A crowdfunding campaign has just been launched on the KissKissBankBank participation platform. Goal ? Market “Jacques Moineau” in garden centers and specialized sites. More than 8,700 euros has now been raised (of the expected 10,000 euros).
A wonderful initiative to promote species in decline and thus restore the connection with nature.