On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine. Since that day, the fighting has intensified and the deadly attacks have multiplied. In response to these atrocities, the former Olympic swimmer Ruta Meilutyte delivers a powerful, deep and symbolic performance.
A week ago, hundreds of civilian bodies were found on the streets of Boutcha, in the Kiev region. A veritable “massacre” committed by Russian troops and condemned by the international community. Shocked by these events, Ruta Meilutyte, former Lithuanian Olympic swimming champion, chose to support the Ukrainian people through a meaningful artistic achievement.
The athlete filmed herself swimming in the middle of a blood-colored pond. The bright red water, painted with ecological paint, recalls the war crimes committed by Russian troops. And if Ruta Meilutyte chose this pond, it is because its location is strategic: it is located opposite the Russian Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The swimmer shared her video on social media with the caption: “The ‘Swim Through’ performance is a call to action for the people of Ukraine in the face of the genocide perpetrated by Russia.”
A symbolic message.