“Unesco Green Citizens”: a collaborative platform to support citizen projects around the world

129 civilian projects deployed in 61 countries around the world. This is the panel covered by the Unesco Green Citizens platform launched in early 2021, which has been the subject of an awareness campaign on social networks since this week.

The site offers the general public the opportunity to discover citizen initiatives with a social, educational, but above all ecological purpose. As indicated in the presentation film of the platform broadcast on social networks since February 9, all initiatives presented on “Unesco Green Citizens” are projects “local, citizen, innovative and replicable, with a demonstrable impact on their community”

“Faced with the ecological emergency, we must unite our actions, our obligations and our desire for change. With the UNESCO Citizens for the Planet platform, we wanted to spotlight ideas that are driving change worldwide.” explains UNESCO.

Of the projects presented on the platform, 51% are led by women, 75% by young people and 19% by people living in Africa. The spectrum of initiatives is wide: projects to combat deforestation in Senegal, system of drinking water collection points in Niger, establishment of a community system for marketing seeds and agricultural products in India, establishment of the first network of sustainable public schools in Latin America…

Thanks to an interactive map available on the platform, a few clicks are enough to discover inspiring projects around the world. You will have the opportunity to discover all these projects and to support them by disseminating them on the Internet or by financing them (investments, donations, etc.).

But you can also get directly involved by participating on an ad hoc or regular basis in the project closest to you. For example, by registering for volunteer missions, but also by making your professional skills (press relations, financial expertise, legal advice, etc.) available to project leaders.

ETX Daily Up

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