This Saturday, March 12, the French people will be called upon to mobilize for climate and social justice during the “Look Up” march. Direct reference to the movie Don’t Look Up: Cosmic Denial by Adam McKay, the event aims to “open our eyes” to the climate and social emergency and to put the issue back on the political agenda a few weeks before the presidential election. Several marches are organized on the territory and in Paris the parade will start from the Place de la Nation. Here, the Association Végétarienne de France calls on volunteers to take part in a “vegetarian procession” for the Paris march.
“Together we will carry the voice of animals and the need to vegetate our agriculture and our food”, the association states on its Facebook page. The appointment is given from 10am and walkers are invited to join their “most beautiful plates” or to make them directly on the spot, with the volunteers of the association. There is also a participatory vegan buffet organized by the AVF, which asks everyone to bring “a little something”†
For more information, visit the event page by clicking here. Not in Paris or unable to travel? To find out how you can participate in the “Look UP” walks, anywhere in France or from home, read our article on the subject, which you can find here.