This is a historical turning point for the small Balkan country. On July 8, the Constitutional Court of Slovenia legalized marriage and adoption for everyone. Parliament now has six months to comply with this decision and pass a law allowing same-sex marriage.

The ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional. This was established by the Constitutional Court in its decision. Thus, during the vote, six judges condemned this unconstitutionality and, conversely, three others held that no violation was to be regretted. In other words, the institution approved the marriage for all by a vote of six to three. A vote in response to complaints filed by two couples challenging their inability to marry or adopt children.
This decision “does not diminish the importance of traditional marriage as a union of one man and one woman, nor does it change the conditions under which persons of the opposite sex marry” justify the judges.
For Slovenia, becoming the first country of the former Soviet bloc to allow marriage and adoption for gay couples, the path is riddled with pitfalls. Indeed, Slovenians have spoken out several times during referendums against marriage for all. The most recent took place in 2015.
With this decision, the Constitutional Court makes a final decision. Parliament now has six months to pass a law. And the deadlines should be met without a hitch, as the legislative process will start in two weeks, reports France Inter† “The Constitutional Court orders us to lift this unconstitutionality. We will do it as soon as possible, the law is already being prepared.”supports Luka Mesec, the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
The small country of two million inhabitants thus joins France, Germany, Ireland or Spain and becomes the eighteenth European country to legalize marriage for everyone.
Another victory for LGBTQ+ rights…