“Hello, I love you, yes, no, thank you, please.” These are the words of Priyanjali Gupta, a student at Vellore Institute of Technology, India, in a 27-second video released through her LindedIn profile in early February 2022. What is special about this video? The student’s words were not spoken through her voice, she conveyed them in American sign language and they were translated live by an artificial intelligence of her own design.
As reported by the site CreapillsPriyanjali Gupta has been working on the design of this AI for more than a year, in the service of sign language. As usual on the professional network LinkedIn, the young woman shared the evolution of her project in a publication that has become very popular today. More than 60,000 people responded to the post, which also includes more than 1,000 comments.
The code for this AI is written in Python language and is freely available through the Github platform. A workbench that could perhaps inspire computer code geniuses to translate, say, French Sign Language?