“Today, 1 in 2 vacancies is invisible to those who do not have the right contact, the right tip. » To combat this lack of transparency and provide opportunities for those who do not have the right contacts, Chance, a coaching agency, launched the #ProvoconsLaChance campaign. An initiative to share your address book with as many people as possible.
“I have been very lucky in my life. First of all, that of being born in Paris, of teacher parents, who passed on to me culture and love of words, essential basis to then know how to ask for help while feeling legitimate »writes Judith Aquien, author and editor-in-chief of Chance on her LinkedIn profile.
Hundreds of personalities have already pledged to open their address book “to profiles whose paths are not linear and for whom opening a single door could change everything”, the agency states on its site. All of them “call for the mobilization of other volunteers to help this movement grow” thus making the labor market more transparent and thus more inclusive and diversified.
Specifically, personalities who have signed Chance’s appeal can be put in touch with people who have ended their careers with the agency. But this initiative does not stop there. It sends a strong message to hiring managers to open their ads and end the job. “determinism of the address book”.