Twitter calls for caution. The social network recalled the resources its Ukrainian users have to better protect their information on the platform. An important point to consider to ensure its security both online and in reality, at a time when Ukraine has just been attacked by Russia.
Twitter spoke to its Ukrainian users in their own language. The social network has decided to publish a “thread” to remind you of the important elements to watch out for to protect your information online, as you are in a conflict zone. The series of tweets, which were first posted in English, have also been translated into Ukrainian.
“If you use Twitter in conflict zones or other risk areas, you need to know how to manage your profile and your digital data. Every situation is individual, so there are certain things to keep in mind.”wrote Twitter in a first message.
ористуючись твіттером уонах конфлікту або інших зонах підвищеного Ризику, еобхідно ати про способи керування профілефр ифро.
ожна ситуація є індивідуальною, ому слід аховувати еякі оменти:
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) February 24, 2022
In total, the Twitter Safety account, which communicates the tools introduced around security on the social network, published 22 tweets about the different ways and reflexes to use Twitter safely.
Password, two-factor identification, knowing if his account has been hacked and the means to secure it… Twitter will go as far as to recall the account deletion process if it gives the user more reassurance, while emphasizing that the account will be able to be reactivated within thirty days.
Localization is one of the topics discussed. Twitter wanted to warn these Ukrainian users against sharing their postal address, but also about the dangers of geolocation in tweets. The social network nevertheless reminds that even removed, the location can appear on tweets published elsewhere on the Internet.
An important position at a time when Ukraine is under attack from Russia. The platform has already played an important role in many international conflicts such as the Arab Spring and the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The social network is often used by activists to organize events, consult and express themselves freely about events, all while remaining anonymous. Means the opponent also uses to identify and locate events and militant groups.
So caution is in order at Twitter.
(ETX Daily Up)