The United Nations forecasts that by 2050 the world will have two billion people over the age of 60. In France, according to the latest demographic analysis by Insee, in 2020 they already represent 20% of the population. Purchasing power, health, housing… A month before the first round (April 10), the association reports Little Brothers of the Poor offers various solutions to tackle aging and isolation and outlines a real social project for the elderly of today and tomorrow. Speak.
The elderly have forgotten the great of the pretenders’ programs at the Élysée. And when it comes to old age, the proposals are limited to a highly medicalized approach, reducing it to illness, dependence and nursing homes. When these measures are more in line with the wishes of the elders, as is the case with the proposals of certain candidates for home support, they remain vague, little or not detailed and above all without sufficient financing possibilities. Life expectancy is increasing and with the arrival of the baby boom generations the aging of the population accelerates. Tomorrow the world will have more old people than young people…
If we don’t want to stand against the wall, old age must be one of the main concerns of those who rule us. and gave birth to a sustainable social project because it affects us all. The young people of today are the elderly of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In Petits Frères des Pauvres, the accompanied elderly are not very visible, isolated, destitute and weakened. True to their deep belief that they have their place in society and that they deserve to exercise their citizenship, we interviewed them and collected their difficulties, their doubts, their aspirations and their wishes for a more desirable future. This allowed us to formulate a series of proposals for face the challenges of aging in dignified conditions until the end of lifewhich we reveal to you below.
Proposal #1. Restore the purchasing power of the elderly so that they can live and age with dignity.
How? ‘Or what? By aligning the Solidarity Allowance for the Elderly to the poverty line. Our pension system must guarantee a solidarity benefit for the elderly (ASPA) for all generations that is aligned with the poverty line, regardless of their life course. Currently, the poverty line is €1,063 per month, compared to €916.78 per month for minimum age. Although revalued in January 2022, the current minimum age is not sufficient to cope with the recent rise in food, energy or fuel prices.
Proposal #2. Increase the autonomy of the elderly by facilitating access to care.
How? ‘Or what? By reintroducing the law “Age and Autonomy” into the priorities of the government. Originally scheduled for 2019, the “Age and Autonomy” law has disrupted its schedule due to the health crisis. Repeatedly postponed, this to make it possible to “strengthen the fifth branch of social security”, dedicated to autonomy, within the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS). We would like it to be re-prioritised by introducing a real risk of social protection and for it to provide for the merging of the two Disability Benefits (APA & PCH) benefits into a single benefit. removing the age limit.
Proposal #3. Fight against the social isolation of seniors and thus prevent the loss of autonomy.
How? ‘Or what? By including the variable relational isolation in the process of evaluating the loss of autonomy. In France, 2 million people over 60 are out of touch with their family or friends and 530,000 are in a situation of “social death”, according to the latest PFP/CSA Research barometer. In other words, 530,000 people never or almost never meet other people. This is twice as much as in 2017. We also know that social isolation is an aggravating factor in the loss of autonomy. By taking this into account when developing plans for assistance with autonomy, these extreme situations could be detected quickly before they harm the autonomy of the people, and we could find solutions adapted to each situation with all those who struggle against the isolation of the elderly.
Proposal #4. Involve alumni in the digital transition.
How? ‘Or what? By making social ties one of the pillars of digital awareness for the elderly. Even if it can’t replace real social interactions, digital technology is a tool to maintain social bonds with loved ones. If it does not replace humans, it facilitates social ties, simplifies administrative procedures, access to care. Yet many elderly people are still digitally excluded. It is therefore necessary to continue to equip institutions with digital tools and to guarantee alternative means for people who are excluded or have difficulties with digital technology, so as not to increase inequalities in access to administrative procedures or care.
Proposal #5. Developing local services.
How? ‘Or what? By systematizing a mobile device for each Maison France Services. After a certain age, older people can no longer drive and moving in the countryside or in the suburbs becomes complicated. But this does not necessarily mean that they are unable to handle their administrative procedures. So in order not to create a premature loss of autonomy and to take into account our elderly, we propose to develop the mobile device of the Maisons France Services. In fact, in 2021 there will be only 45 France Services buses in the Priority Districts of Urban Policy (QPV) and 35 buses in rural areas of the 1,494 existing France Services Centers across France.
Proposal #6. Encourage home care for the elderly who want it.
How? ‘Or what? By continuing to support the development of alternative housing structures to get out of the restricted housing choice or EHPAD. 87% of older people want to age at home, according to our latest PFP/CSA Research barometer, published in 2021. They face a very limited choice of housing: stay at home, possibly try to adapt their housing or go Ehpad whose model does not quite meet their expectations. Government policy must, on the one hand, promote home care and, on the other hand, provide broad support for inclusive, alternative and shared housing projects.
Finally, we call for an awareness that the challenges of aging do not only concern the elderly of today and that aging is a reality that affects all of us. A manifesto to be signed online so that aging is not forgotten in presidential debates.
Little Brothers of the Poor – With Isabelle Sénécal, Advocacy Manager
Know more about the concerns of the elderly † Discover the collection Words from old voters at the initiative of the Little Brothers of the Poor: an incredible pool of proposals to build a desirable future together with them†