On Linkedin, internet users are mobilizing to help Alex, who has been homeless for 5 months

In a post on his LinkedIn profile, a freelancer told the story of a homeless young man with only one goal: to help him find a job. A nice chain of solidarity was then set up. Story.

“With my beloved, we met a 20-year-old young man on the street. Alex is a smiling boy full of joie de vivre, a real ray of sunshine! However, Alex has been homeless for 5 months. † With these words begins the publication of Ilan Sellouk Jalosky, who dated almost 5,000 times on LinkedIn.

This advertising campaign designer decided not to use the social network to find a new mission, but to help a young man in a very precarious situation, from child support, into a job.“Alex has experience in handling and catering”says Ilan Sellouk Jalosky. “He is a hardworking, determined, polite boy with a great sense of good manners (a pearl I say !).

A “Resourceful and Determined Boy”

However, as the designer tells us, Alex has been going through difficult months since he lost his job due to the health crisis. “Alex has been sleeping on the subway, at stations, on the street and at best (in rare cases) in emergency shelters via 115 for 5 months”says his guardian angel, who also indicates that Alex’s story and photo were published on LinkedIn with his permission.

“Inventive and determined boy”Alex then does everything he can to get out: he ‘applies every day for jobs in the capital, gets up very early in the morning to offer his help in the markets in exchange for a small ticket to just eat his fill. “I know it’s just a transition, I’ll get through it.”he said to Ilan Sellouk Jalosky.

This one then appealed to his network, aware of the importance for Alex to find a job to get off the street: “My question to you: could you recruit this kid (who has a jewel instead of a heart) into your teams? Do you know someone who could do this? †

Chain of vacancies

Touched by this story, LinkedIn users spontaneously offered their help to the twenty-something. A maintenance manager explains that he is looking for “a Swiss army knife” that could match the profile of the young man, the manager of a store of a chain specializing in household appliances asks for his contact details and a joinery manufacturer even offers him an education, in addition to a job.

Other internet users mention the names of various associations that could help Alex to find a job, such as Emmaüs Solidarité or Entourage via the LinkedOut program. A beautiful chain of solidarity that should help the young man.

A commitment to sustainability

Problem: According to Ilan Sellouk Jalosky, the young man is nowhere to be found. “We still haven’t heard from Alex, our chat shows that he hasn’t logged in since the end of Sunday”wrote the designer of the advertising campaign in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday 11 p.m..” We are worried. But I strongly believe that we will have news very soon. †

In the meantime, Ilan Sellouk Jalosky wants to continue his efforts and help other young people in the same situation as him by connecting recruiters and associations, including Repairs, which helps former children who have gone through youth care. †

“My goal: to maintain partnerships between these recruiters and the associations that need these opportunities. The stabilization of these young people mainly depends on employment, we have something to play here. I need all of you, you’ve shown absolutely incredible solidarity, now it’s up to all of us to make something great in the long run. †

Ilan Sellouk Jalosky

This beautiful story of solidarity has only just begun…

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