Victory for associations! In the night of Wednesday 20 July to Thursday 21 July, the National Assembly voted unanimously on the deconjugalization of the adult disability allowance (AAH).
Like the daily reports The world, 429 delegates attended and attended the Hemicylces (out of 577 in total). They voted unanimously, minus one vote. The elected officials greeted a “historic moment”, long awaited by specialized associations in this field and promised by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne. She had said: “My government, together with you, with the associations, will reform the disability allowance for adults”the newspaper remembers.
The Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH) is a financial aid that leaves you with a minimum of resources. This aid is granted on the condition that the criteria of incapacity for work, age, place of residence and resources are met. (…) The amount is in addition to any other resources you may have.
Official site of the French government
In the crosshairs of associations and some elected officials? The method of calculating the amount of this supplement depends on the number of tax shares in the household. This means that disabled couples who qualify for this allowance see their assistance as dependent on their spouse’s income. In other words, they become dependent on their spouse for livelihood. We are a long way from the autonomy envisaged so far with such compensation.
“We had intense, bitter debates, differences, it’s true, but today we can and want to move towards a jointly constructed solution”said Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoq, purchasing power bill co-rapporteur and Renaissance MP, after the vote.
Towards an application in October 2023?
It remains to be seen when the new calculation method will be applied. On the majority side, we are aiming for October 2023 as the opposition camps call for an earlier implementation.
“October 2023 is too late,” lamented Mr. Bayou. It only took a few weeks to cut the wealth tax and it would take four hundred and thirty-eight days for the CAF [Caisse d’allocations familiales] can organize this deconjugalization”denounced Julien Bayou on the pages of World.
For its part, the association Osez le féminisme welcomed this vote on its Twitter account by declaring: “The deconjugalization of the AAH is a first step towards the independence of women with disabilities. Let’s continue to mobilize for a genuine policy of protection and support for women with disabilities who are at greater risk of being victims of male violence.”