Meet My Job: In The Shoes Of A Data Scientist At Dataiku

Do you have trouble projecting yourself into the future? Are you still in doubt about the job you would like to do or do you want to change direction? Through short videos, the Télémaque association takes us on a journey to meet professionals with a background as varied as it is inspiring. All videos are broadcast on the “Mon Avenir en Grand” platform, a free digital platform to answer questions from young people about their future and disseminate content that combines orientation, personal development and general culture. Today we follow Rata Jacquemart, Project Leader Data Scientist at Dataiku.

After studying physics, robotics and aviation in France and then as a researcher in Thailand, Rata Jacquemart belonged to the first generation of data scientists in the world. The data specialist explains what her job entails and what qualities and skills are needed to perform it.

Do you want to discover other life paths and jobs of the future? Go to the platform!

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