Do you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove and don’t know what to do with your ashes? Instead of throwing them in the trash, you can reuse them usefully at home. Here are our 5 original and natural tips to make the most of it.
wash the windows
Stop household products that are harmful to your health and the environment. To make your windows shine without spending a dime, recycle wood ash and your old newspapers (see our helpful article on reusing newspapers in the garden or at home).
Recipe : nothing easier for this, put the paper in a ball, moisten it and immerse it in the combustion residue. All that’s left is to scrub your windows. And to go further, here are 4 tips for cleaning the glass of your insert without chemicals.

do the laundry
No, it’s not a bad joke. Washing clothes with wood ash can do wonders. And rightly so, this residue is rich in potassium (natural surfactant). And the good news is that you can use it on your white, colored and even stained clothes.
Recipe : Pour a large spoonful of ash into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Mix and let stand for 24 hours. All that’s left is to filter and put 15 ml in your washing machine. This potash can be kept for a maximum of two months. [1]

Thoroughly clean
Wood ash not only has important properties for the maintenance of windows, but is also a powerful degreaser. Nothing better to clean your kitchen thoroughly (crust pans, deep fryer soaked in oil, stained sink…) or descale your bathroom (toilet bowl and shower/bath marked by limestone).
Recipe : to make your interior shine, pour a handful of wood ash in water and rub with a brush or sponge.

Melt the ice
In general, salt is one of the first solutions for snow removal from driveways and gardens. But did you know that wood ash is also effective? This combustion residue has the power to accelerate the melting of frost, sleet and snow. What else can you dream of in this winter period?
Recipe : nothing complicated, just a little ash on the slippery passages and you’re done. An excellent way to remove snow without polluting. [2]

Stop bad smells
To deodorize your fridge, the litter box or your toilet… nothing better than wood ash. After consumption, the wood gives off a noticeable odor that makes it possible to neutralize the bad odors in your home. A natural and effective method of doing without industrial products.
Recipe : in a bowl, dilute the ashes in water (to a paste) and place everything on the places to be deodorized. Repeat the operation every week.

Did you like this article? We offer you our zero-waste tips for using wood ash in the garden.