Chinese cabbage, daikon: here are 8 Asian vegetables to grow at home

When we start planting a vegetable garden, we often first think of growing tomatoes, carrots, radishes or aubergines or courgettes. But it would be a shame to deprive yourself of certain vegetables, which are less popular, but just as tasty and easy to grow. This is the case for many vegetables of Asian origin such as Chinese cabbage or daikon. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the types of vegetables that will give your vegetable garden and your dishes an exotic touch.

Thai eggplant

Good news ! Thai (or Asian) eggplant is grown like any other eggplant. Remember to support the plant with a trellis or post and water regularly. To learn more about growing eggplants, read this article: How to properly grow eggplants? 5 practical tips for a rich harvest.

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bok choy

A variety similar to Chinese cabbage (see below), Bok choy is planted in a sunny, sheltered place in summer. Remember to mulch and water your plants regularly to prevent seeds from going too early. After harvesting, you can roast or stir-fry them for tasty Asian-inspired dishes.

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chinese broccoli

Also called Gai lan or Kai lan, Chinese broccoli is sown in full sun from mid-April to mid-September and watered regularly. We eat the leaves as well as the stems and the beautiful yellow flowers. Ideal for cooking in the wok, for example.

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Chinese cabbage

A delicious vegetable, Chinese cabbage is sown in the open ground from mid-June to August. Provide a sunny and sheltered place, but above all a very rich soil, throughout the growth of your vegetables. Mulch to keep the soil moist and install an insect repellent veil when you start to protect it from fleas.

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Chinese chives

Chinese chives, or Chinese chives should not be confused with daffodils, whose leaves are poisonous! How to make a difference? Chinese spring onions spread a wonderful garlic scent. The stems, leaves and flowers of the Chinese spring onion are edible. They can be grown in a pot, on the edge of a hedge or in an aromatic spot.

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Daikon radish

Also known as white radish or Japanese radish, the Daikon (“big root” in Japanese) radish is native to Asia. It is sown in summer, settles in a sunny place and waters regularly. Also, mulch the legs of your plants to protect them and keep them moist. You can then eat the raw or cooked carrot and use the white radish leaves in your salads or soups.

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Consumed in Asia and the Pacific, Taro is a plant whose tuber can be eaten just as well as the stems and leaves. But be careful, eat them well after cooking to avoid intoxication! Place your plants in the sun or in a slightly shaded spot and offer them a humus-rich soil. Grow directly in the ground in warmer regions of France. For the others, consider planting them in a greenhouse. As for the potato crop, mound during growth, water and mulch regularly.

Photo: Shutterstock

the tinda

Also called Indian pumpkin, tinda grows quite easily in full sun. Water moderately and provide it with compost-rich, well-draining soil.

Photo: Shutterstock

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