“There is too much income linked to capital and too little to work. † This sentence was not spoken by a trade unionist, but by Éric Lombard, the general manager of the Caisse des dépôts, on the aerial of BFM BusinessFebruary 16, 2022.
Invited to present his book At the heart of useful finance, the head of the Caisse des dépôts wanted to draw the attention of the viewers to the topic of the distribution of wealth. Eric Lombard is indeed of the opinion that the “capitalism is not okay”because nowadays there are too many differences in wealth between “working people” and “which comes down to” capital “†
However, that has not always been the case, the director assures, referring to the period of the Glorious Thirties. At that time, between 1945 and 1975, “wages changed quite quickly, boss salaries were not what they are today and returns on capital were much more modest”† Éric Lombard sees in these years of the history of French society a “period of great development” but also “reduce inequality”†
But for twenty years, even if France has been spared more than the rest of Europe, the United States or Asia, according to the leader “increased inequality”† This is why the head of the state’s financial arm asks that: “an institution”† And to finish:
† In the coming period, there are two reasons for distributing purchasing power: inflation and the ecological transition, whereby more must be paid for certain basic services.†
Eric Lombard, CEO of Caisse des Depots
This word is likely to resonate with workers who, in the face of inflation, are asking for a raise.