Blood donation is now open to homosexuals without conditions

From Wednesday 16 March, blood donation will be open to homosexuals without conditions. A decision that puts an end to years of discrimination in the field of sexual orientation. This measure, announced on January 11 by the Ministry of Health, marks a turning point for homosexuals. Now there will be “no more reference to sexual orientation”in the pre-blood donation questionnaires, Jérôme Salomon, the Director-General of Health, said at a press conference. “Everyone will arrive as an individual donor.” Some adjustment: during the pre-questionnaire, the donor must indicate whether he is being treated for prophylaxis before or after exposure to HIV. If necessary, the donation should be postponed four months later.

This is turning a page full of history for the gay community. Indeed, in 1983, faced with the ravages of AIDS, the decision was made to ban blood donation to homosexuals for fear of transmission. From 2016, this suspensive condition will be definitively lifted on the condition that a period of sexual abstinence of one year is justified, reduced to four months in 2019, during the preliminary interview. “The extreme vigilance of the health authorities allows an evolution of the conditions for access to blood donation”, the Director General of Health welcomed. He indicates that he does not expect an increase in the residual risk of HIV transmission by transfusion after this new measure. Because he remembered: “This level of risk has been declining steadily for decades”

Good news for homosexuals and for blood banks facing a historic shortage. By the way, if you also want to donate blood, check out our article to find out where, when and how to donate blood?

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