Not everyone is lucky enough to have their own garden or access to a shared grow space. So for those who still dream of growing their own fruits and vegetables, know that many varieties are particularly good in pots. Indoors or on the balcony, it doesn’t matter, as long as the sun is shining… Here are the varieties to choose from.
For growing tomatoes in a pot, it is recommended to choose a large container with a depth of at least 30 centimeters. To facilitate the growth of the stems and support the weight of the fruits, it is also advisable to install tutors. Since tomatoes are water intensive, you can also mulch the top layer of the substrate to help it retain moisture for as long as possible.
There is still time to plant your ever-bearing strawberries, as the perfect period extends through spring. Small berries like both planters and pots, the key is to place them in a place of your choice in a spot that is bathed in sunlight. We prefer a well-draining substrate thanks to clay balls, gravel or shards from pots placed underground. Yes, strawberries don’t like excess water!
Bell peppers and peppers
Bell peppers and peppers like the sun and heat. When potting, make sure that the potting soil is at a pleasant temperature, so that you do not burden the young plants. Then, as with tomatoes and strawberries, place your plantations in a lightly bathed area to watch your peppers and bell peppers develop without any problems. After planting, you must wait 90 days to harvest your peppers. Spicy food lovers: the longer it takes to pick your peppers, the spicier they get!
Green beans
Whether you choose pole beans or dwarf beans, container growing is just as suitable. On the other hand, with the first variety, you should think about planting stakes to help your plantations gain height. Install them along a wall, fence or fence so they can grow carefree. Choose a pot with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of 30 cm, filled with a light and permeable substrate.
Radish seedlings have the peculiarity of not being transplanted. For example, from April to October, the seeds are planted directly in the pots in a light and permeable substrate. In a pot filled with equal parts vegetable soil and sand, plant your seeds an inch or two apart. Once the first leaves appear, make room by keeping just one plant every three inches. Offer them a sunny spot in the spring and autumn, but reserve a shady spot for them in the summer.
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