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maine state police inspection stickers

by Johnathon Durgan MD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What states have inspection stickers?

What States Require State Inspections on Vehicles?

  • Alabama. A safety inspection is required before the transfer of ownership or sale of a vehicle. ...
  • Arizona. Cars in major meteor areas must undergo emissions inspections every other year. ...
  • California. California inspection standards can be strict and vary by the area in which you live. ...
  • Colorado. ...
  • Connecticut. ...
  • Delaware. ...
  • Florida. ...
  • Georgia. ...
  • Hawaii. ...
  • Idaho. ...

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How much is a vehicle inspection sticker in Maine?

VIP's Certified Automotive Professionals will perform your Maine State Inspection 7 days a week. The cost in Maine is $12.50 per vehicle, except in Cumberland County where the cost is $18.00 (includes emissions testing). VIP offers a warranty on most installed parts.

What is the fine for expired inspection sticker in Maine?

What is the fine for expired inspection sticker in Maine? 3. Seventy-five dollars if the inspection sticker has been 2 invalid or the registration has been expired for more than 3 months. 12 30-day suspension of the violator’s motor vehicle operator’s license.

How much is an inspection sticker in Ma?

This allows commercial motor vehicle owners to meet state and federal requirements with one inspection. The Massachusetts Vehicle Check annual inspection fee is $35 for most vehicles. Inspection stations providing a commercial inspection are permitted to charge more, consistent with nationwide industry practice.

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Is Maine doing away with inspection stickers?

The Legislature's Transportation Committee has voted against endorsing a slate of bills that would have changed or eliminated Maine's motor vehicle safety inspection program. That means the required annual safety inspection and windshield sticker that comes with it are likely to stay.

Is there a grace period for inspection stickers in Maine?

vehicles inspected before their inspection stickers expire. This Act will allow those drivers a 24-hour "grace period" after they have received a warning for an expired sticker before a law enforcement official issues them a citation.

Where can I get an inspection sticker in Maine?

850 Main Street Sanford, ME 207-324-261114 Barra Road Biddeford, ME 207-283-0768Sticker Station is committed to the safety of Maine drivers, by providing a convenient, professional, honest facility for receiving a state inspection sticker. Home Services Headlight Restoration Links Locations FAQ1 more row

What is the fine for expired inspection sticker in Maine?

Seventy-five dollars if the inspection sticker has been 2 invalid or the registration has been expired for more than 3 months. 12 30-day suspension of the violator's motor vehicle operator's license.

Is Maine enforcing vehicle inspections?

Maine law requires all motor vehicles to undergo a safety inspection once a year. Vehicles registered in Cumberland County are also required to undergo an emissions test. Inspections are conducted at licensed automobile dealerships, service stations and garages.

How much is a Maine inspection sticker?

VIP's Certified Automotive Professionals will perform your Maine State Inspection 7 days a week. The cost in Maine is $12.50 per vehicle, except in Cumberland County where the cost is $18.50 (includes emissions testing).

Are Maine vehicle inspections extended?

Governor Janet Mills issued an executive order last week that indefinitely extends expiration dates on all vehicle inspection stickers and registrations, as well as driver's licenses and state IDs. Expiration dates are extended until the state of emergency caused by the spread of coronavirus in Maine is lifted.

What do you need to get car inspected in Maine?

The following are checked during the safety inspection: brake system, body and chassis, defrost, electrical system, exhaust system, fuel system, glass and mirrors, horn, lighting system, odometer, steering, suspension, tires, and windshield wipers/washing system.

How old does a car have to be to not need inspection in Maine?

Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said antique vehicles are exempt from inspections. Under the law, a vehicle is considered antique if it is 25 years old or older, substantially in its original condition and cannot be used as a primary vehicle.

Can you get pulled over for expired inspection in Maine?

The owner or operator of a vehicle operated with an expired inspection sticker during the first month immediately after expiration may not be issued a summons to court but may only be issued a warning. This warning must state that the vehicle must be inspected within 2 business days.

Is there a grace period for expired tags in Maine?

AN ACT to Provide a One Month Grace Period for Expired Motor Vehicle Registrations. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows: Sec. l.

Can I get my NH car inspected in another state?

No. Please check with your town or city office for local requirements.

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