End the seal hunt. This is the demand of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), which is calling for a petition to be signed against the resumption of this trade practice.
Open from Friday 8 April, this hunt concerns according to this NGO “which helps animals and people to flourish together”† 40,000 copies from Greenland, which will be hunted off the coast of Newfoundland, the statement reads. However, the organization recalls that the methods of seal hunting are barbaric and cruel, while “demand for seal products has fallen dramatically in recent years†
If the commercial hunt survives, it will be thanks to grants from the Canadian government, IFAW reports:
“With the seal products market shrinking since 2006, it seems clear that the industry could not survive without continued government support aimed at developing and promoting seal products.”
The International Fund for Animal Welfare
In addition to the slaughter inspected “cruel” seals, especially white coats (their babies), the association also denounces a context “special” for this season 2022 with “unpredictable ice conditions for seal litter and ongoing concerns about Covid-19”†
“It’s time to leave Canada’s commercial seal hunt where it belongs, what’s in the history books, and instead focus on supporting much-needed alternatives in Atlantic Canada, such as funding the removal of ghost fishing gear and marine debris from our ocean environment.”
Sheryl Fink, IFAW Canada Campaign Director
To support this fight, sign the IFAW petition against commercial seal hunting in Canada at this link.