This is an unprecedented mobilization for companies and the French government. While the war in Ukraine has already created several million refugees in Europe, there is no shortage of initiatives on our territory to provide work for these people who have left everything behind to flee the invasion of the Russian army. In addition to the snack that each One launches, the government and integration companies are very active in helping the 26,000 people who have already found refuge in our territory to find work.
For example, the Federation of Integration Enterprises (FEI) announced on Friday March 18 that it was going to offer 10,000 jobs for people from Ukraineas reported France Info†
“The integration companies offer to put their know-how at the service of welcoming Ukrainian men and women and commit to supporting 10,000 people by the end of June.”
The Federation of Integration Companies
This support will not only be professional. The Federation also emphasizes that its affiliated companies also, and this systematically, ensure: “taking care of issues of childcare, housing, health or language skills”†
Specifically, Ukrainians arriving in France will be able to work without prior authorization. The European Union has indeed activated its temporary protection system. The jobs offered to refugees concern the “first level qualification”Like it “supermarkets, food, cleaning or industry”details on FigaroGwenn Cambien, director of operations of Alter Interim, a company in Côtes-d’Armor and member of the FEI.
But there are also other choices for those who would like to find a job in France.
Temporary contracts in cleanliness
For example, the Federation of Cleaning Companies (FEP) also announced that it could offer many replacement CDIs or CDDs to: “new recruits” came from Ukraine.
A website dedicated to Ukrainian men and women has also been launched by The Adecco Group, world leader in human resources solutions, we can still read in Le Figaro† The aim is twofold, as it is also up to The Adecco Group to encourage European companies to recruit refugees.
Coordinating companies and job center
In order to facilitate the procedures for companies wishing to open vacancies for refugees from Ukraine or elsewhere, the French government has also launched a module through its platform “Je m’engage pour l’Ukraine”. Thanks to this, companies can communicate their offers and be put in touch with Pôle emploi.
“It is important to coordinate our action now to guarantee access to the labor market under the best conditions”said in a statement Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Labor. “Government departments will guide all businesses that commit to welcoming IDPs.”