More than a month after the discovery of a killer whale off the Channel, a new specimen has been sighted not far away, under the bridge of Normandy.
Since Tuesday 17 May 2022, the presence of an orca in the open sea of the Channel has aroused the curiosity and fascination of the Norman people. For four days, tugs from the port of Le Havre have been crossing paths on each of their expeditions with the cetaceans more than four meters long between Tancarville and the bridge of Normandy.
And if the presence of dolphins or seals is common in the region, it is much rarer to observe orcas. However, on April 5, a male was discovered on the coast of Courseulles-sur-Mer, in Calvados. Are they the same mammal? We don’t know, but for tugs, it’s very likely that this killer whale got lost, perhaps on a mile-long journey in search of food.
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According to the records of wildlife associations, the last sighting of a killer whale was April 5, 2022 off the English Channel in 2013, between Barneville-Carteret and Jersey.