Since Tuesday 22 March, Brittany has a new vegan address. This is Veg’a-drak, a 100% vegan supermarket in Lanester, in Morbihan. The store has just opened its doors on Avenue Ambroise Croizat. It will thus become the fifth vegan supermarket in Brittany and the first in Morbihan.
Founded by Lucas Palaze, who has been vegan for 6 years, this supermarket offers “semi-fresh products, vegetables ripened, preserves, frozen products but also bulk with 60 references”explains the 27-year-old entrepreneur: Telegram† All products are vegan, including maintenance and hygiene items that the store also offers.
Since its opening, Veg’a-drak has also offered several product tastings upon request, including TyK-branded faux mages and appetizer waffles Bord à bord with seaweed. A bicycle delivery service is also planned.