1 billion euros to eradicate domestic violence. In a forum, the Women’s Foundation asks candidates for the presidential election to make a real commitment to women’s rights in France. She then drew up a list of measures to be taken from the first 100 days of the term of office of the future President of the Republic.
“We are calling on the candidates for the presidential election to start. » The Women’s Foundation asks in a column published on February 5 on the website of the sunday newspaper, “real commitments and strong actions that can send inequalities to the dustbin of history”.
Among these commitments, the Foundation proposes: a list of 10 measures aimed at reducing violence against women, guaranteeing the right to abortion for all women or reducing economic inequalities between women and men.
Here is the full list, first published on the site of the JDD :
- ” To invest 1 billion euros a year to stop domestic violence. By training professionals who may come into contact with female victims of violence, by tripling the number of places in specialized housing and by increasing the funding of associations.
- create national coordination of the fight against violence against women under the auspices of the President or the President of the Republic. The protection of women should be at the center of all public policy through a body responsible for the study, oversight and transparent evaluation of public policy at the highest level of the state.
- Implement specialized courts and brigadestrained in the fight against violence against women and volunteers, following the Spanish example.
- Constitutionalization of the right to abortion and to grant effective access to this right to all women on French territory. Remove practitioners’ double conscience clause and re-evaluate this medical act for an effective right of choice.
- Guarantee the education of each child in equality, sexuality and affective life. To fight against the pornography industry and to punish non-compliance with the entry ban for minors.
- Ensure every citizen’s access to quality and caring health services less than thirty minutes from her house; improve the treatment of pathologies of women.
- Throw a Grenelle of equal pay to re-evaluate feminised professions and ensure the presence of women in the sectors of the future, while fighting against forced part-time work and discrimination in the workplace.
- To adopt a law for the economic emancipation of women which repeals the legal mechanisms that increase their insecurity, and which, from above, equalizes the treatment of women in pairs, regardless of the regime of ordinary life.
- Extend the compulsory leave of the second parent (paternity leave), increasing the value of maternity leave without loss of pay and introducing attractive parental leave for both parents.
- To adopt true feminist diplomacy by increasing international funding for women’s rights and pushing for the adoption of the most favored legislative clause in Europe. »
To support this “emergency plan”, the Women’s Foundation has launched a petition that you can sign by going to the Women’s Foundation website.