June to September is the high season for courgettes. The possibility to prepare delicious summer dishes such as ratatouille, gratin or even the traditional stuffed zucchini. But to be able to taste this green vegetable, the harvest still has to be perfected. Follow our simple and practical advice for this.
Choose location
To develop properly, a zucchini plant necessarily needs sun and heat. If your yard is in the shade, your harvest may be less. So choose an area that is well sheltered and sheltered from the prevailing wind. Your vegetables will be green, tasty and plentiful.
enrich the soil
In order to benefit from a bountiful harvest all summer long, your zucchini should be planted in humus-rich, light, fresh and well-loosened soil. You can prepare a mixture of potting soil-compost fertilizer. In addition, enriching the soil is often an important step in the vegetable garden, because plants need rich and varied nutrients to grow.

Make good associations
In the vegetable garden, zucchini grows better if you associate it with other plants, such as cabbage or beans. But beware, some combinations are not recommended as they increase the risk of disease transmission. This is the case with potatoes, radishes or cucumbers.
Water the plants
If some plants grow very well without water, this is not the case with zucchini. This vegetable, which needs a lot of water, needs water on average 2 to 3 times a week, and more during drought. However, be careful not to drown the roots. Little tip: water around the plantation to encourage fruiting instead of leaf development.

Harvest at the right time
If you’ve ever grown zucchini in your garden, you know that this vegetable provides a quick and bountiful harvest. So it is better to be well organized, at the risk of having vegetables that are too big and full of seeds. Courgettes are best harvested when they are medium in size, i.e. between 20 and 25 cm long. In general, the harvest takes place two months after sowing.
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