If animals could talk, what would they say about our eating habits? Chances are they would be outraged by our excessive consumption of animal products. This is exactly the position this author has taken to make children aware of veganism.
Is your child too young to understand the vegan philosophy of life? To simply explain respect for animal welfare and raise awareness of this vital matter, Amanda Castillo has written a wonderful story for young and old. A funny adventure on my plate tells the magical meeting between Louis, a 10-year-old boy, and Capucine, a young girl who lives on a farm with Mathilde, Séraphin, Hastings and Clotaire, farm animals that can talk.
The little girl, a vegan, and her friends the cat, rooster, pig and duck will explain to Louis why it is more fair and respectful not to eat meat. All together they will compare their diet and share their values.
It is through wanting to make her daughter aware of the animal business that the writer, Swiss and vegan since childhood, imagined this book. It is therefore a purely entertaining work and an educational resource for the whole family.
“I needed to explain to my daughter why I raised her with an animal-friendly philosophy. It is also a work completely adapted for the general public who want to approach empathy for animals. »
Almond Castillo, quoted by Vegemag
A great way to make children and adults aware of the animal’s condition. To discover A funny adventure on my platego here.