Green finance: marketing managers find CSR essential

CSR, an essential theme in the future? This is what more than two-thirds (68%) of marketing and communications executives in the financial sector think, according to a survey by the CSA Institute for LinkedIn, CB News† Nearly half of industry respondents (48% of the 200 survey respondents) believe that CSR is already an important theme in their communication tools and campaigns.

The favorite topics of the companies being researched? Well-being at work (for 71%), gender equality and diversity. But with the arrival of new ESG standards (economic, social and governance criteria), the financing of a green and inclusive economy must be given more scope and should be emphasized CB News, a priority CSR theme. 39% of respondents see it as the main goal of CSR communication in the future, compared to 36% for well-being at work.

However, pay attention green washing, of which the interviewed directors are aware… even if their motives remain self-interest. For the majority of them (52%) it is better to communicate about concrete data than about commitments. With the main goal of improving image and engagement (44%), anticipating the desire to meet regulatory standards (36%) and finally participating in the industry’s shift towards more responsible financing (32% ).

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