Drought: how do you protect your garden from high temperatures and lack of water?

Summer is coming early this year. The heat of the past few days adds to the already very dry soil, as there has been little rain in winter. How to protect the vegetable garden against this period of drought? Here are 3 effective tips.

Photo: Shutterstock

Choose your plants

If you want to save water, opt for less greedy varieties first: this is generally the case with traditional or hardy varieties. When in doubt, you can always ask your seed dealer for advice.

We also present here 10 ornamental species that require little or no water.


Mulching consists of covering the ground with cut plants. It makes it possible to limit evaporation, but also to nourish the soil during its decomposition: it is a vicious circle, because by adapting the soil we promote a whole underground life that aerates the earth. When loosened, the soil will store the water more efficiently.

How do you make good mulch?

  • Start with green plants instead of dry straw. The soil digests it better and you save money by using your grass clippings, for example: you let them dry for a day or two before using them.
  • A layer of 5 to 10 cm is sufficient to start.
  • Can you see the earth again? It’s time to refill!

Ideally, the ground cover should be in place year round to help the soil build up a water reservoir. It also helps to feed the plants in anticipation of dry days. Didier Flipo, organic horticulturist in Cantal, explains to France 3

“Your plants will be well fed, they will have no flaws. They are more resistant and have a better taste. †

Didier Flipo for France 3


For effective watering it is important to know some simple rules:

  • Water, but not just like that: in this article we explain the best time of day to limit water evaporation.
  • For your seedlings, install a button on your watering can to cut off the spray.
  • If you have an orchard, water your young trees abundantly: this is the necessary condition for the success of your planting.
  • A year-round solution: placing an IV.

It is essential that your vegetables are well hydrated: here we present a method to know when your plants are thirsty.

In short, remember that the more nutrient-rich your soil is, the better it retains water. The word of the end to the gardener:

A plant eats when it drinks † †

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