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what is maximum overshoot in control system

by Courtney Bashirian Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Overshoot (signal)

  • Definition. Maximum overshoot is defined in Katsuhiko Ogata's Discrete-time control systems as "the maximum peak value of the response curve measured from the desired response of the system."
  • Control theory. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Mathematics. ...
  • Signal processing. ...
  • Related concepts. ...
  • See also
  • References and notes. ...
  • External links

Maximum overshoot is defined in Katsuhiko Ogata's Discrete-time control systems as "the maximum peak value of the response curve measured from the desired response of the system."

Full Answer

What is maximum overshoot in control theory?

Maximum overshoot is defined in Katsuhiko Ogata's Discrete-time control systems as "the maximum peak value of the response curve measured from the desired response of the system.". Control theory. In control theory, overshoot refers to an output exceeding its final, steady-state value.

What is the maximum overshoot of a second order control system?

The maximum overshoot of a second order control system is dependent on the damping ratio, ζ , and increases with ζ. Again, the damping frequency has the damping ratio ζ included in it’s expression. So, basically, ζ has to be changed, which in turn, will change the damping frequency, and the resultant maximum overshoot will thereby be affected.

What is meant by overshooting in control system?

Overshooting is the phenomenon where the output exceeds its desired value. Say, you want to simple heat (target) a pan of milk, and instead you burn (overshoot) it. This is overshooting. In control system, the overshoot is defined as percentage overshoot (PO), which is again a function of the damping ratio ( ξ ). Hope this helps. Cheers!

Can controllers avoid overshoot?

Controllers can be programmed to avoid overshoot, but this is usually at the expense of aggressiveness. It has to slow the control effort more and more as it approaches the setpoint, which drags out the time required to hit the desired value.

What does high overshoot mean?

Also, the definition of maximum overshoot is the maximum peak value when measuring a response curve of the desired response of a system.

What is maximum percent overshoot?

In control theory, overshoot refers to an output exceeding its final, steady-state value. For a step input, the percentage overshoot (PO) is the maximum value minus the step value divided by the step value. In the case of the unit step, the overshoot is just the maximum value of the step response minus one.

What does overshoot mean in the system?

Overshoot is how much the system exceeds the target value. The goal of servo tuning is to minimize response time, settling time, and overshoot.

What is overshoot and example?

Overshoot definition To miss by or as if by shooting, hitting, or propelling something too far. verb. To fly beyond or past; overrun. The plane overshot the runway.

What is Zeta in control system?

The damping ratio symbol is denoted as 'ζ' (Zeta). Damping of Harmonic Oscillator. The damping ratio gives the level of damping in the control system related to critical damping.

What is overshoot and settling time?

A closely related phenomenon is ringing, when, following overshoot, a signal then falls below its steady-state value, and then may bounce back above, taking some time to settle close to its steady-state value; this latter time is called the settle time.

Why is overshoot a problem?

If the liquid is too cold and you're trying to bring the temperature up quickly, the controller may turn the gas all the way up. However, if you overshoot the setpoint, the controller can do nothing to make the liquid cooler. There is no reverse effort available.

How do you find the maximum overshoot in Matlab?

Percentage overshoot. Relative to the normalized response ynorm(t) = (y(t) – yinit)/(yfinal – yinit), the overshoot is the larger of zero and 100 × max(ynorm(t) – 1). Percentage undershoot. Relative to the normalized response ynorm(t), the undershoot is the smaller of zero and –100 × max(ynorm(t) – 1).

What's another word for overshoot?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for overshoot, like: undershoot, overreach, overdo, overact, exceed, wave-off, go around, decelerate and sideslip.

What is Relay overshoot?

The overshoot time is defined as the difference between the operating time of a relay at a specified value of input current and the maximum duration of input current, which when suddenly reduced below the relay operating level, is insufficient to cause relay operation.



Maximum overshoot is defined in Katsuhiko Ogata's Discrete-time control systems as "the maximum peak value of the response curve measured from the desired response of the system."

Control theory

In control theory, overshoot refers to an output exceeding its final, steady-state value. For a step input, the percentage overshoot (PO) is the maximum value minus the step value divided by the step value. In the case of the unit step, the overshoot is just the maximum value of the step response minus one. Also see the definition of overshoot in an electronics context.
For second-order systems, the percentage overshoot is a function of the damping ratio ζ and is gi…


In electronics, overshoot refers to the transitory values of any parameter that exceeds its final (steady state) value during its transition from one value to another. An important application of the term is to the output signal of an amplifier.
Usage: Overshoot occurs when the transitory values exceed final value. When …


In the approximation of functions, overshoot is one term describing quality of approximation. When a function such as a square wave is represented by a summation of terms, for example, a Fourier series or an expansion in orthogonal polynomials, the approximation of the function by a truncated number of terms in the series can exhibit overshoot, undershoot and ringing. The more terms ret…

Signal processing

In signal processing, overshoot is when the output of a filter has a higher maximum value than the input, specifically for the step response, and frequently yields the related phenomenon of ringing artifacts.
This occurs for instance in using the sinc filter as an ideal (brick-wall) low-pass filter. The step response can be interpreted as the convolution with the impulse …

Related concepts

A closely related phenomenon is ringing, when, following overshoot, a signal then falls below its steady-state value, and then may bounce back above, taking some time to settle close to its steady-state value; this latter time is called the settle time.
In ecology, overshoot is the analogous concept, where a population exceeds the carrying capacity of a system.

See also

• Step response
• Ringing (signal)
• Settling time
• Overmodulation
• Integral windup

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