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what does driven nan mean

by Mr. Stephen Labadie Jr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Apparently, NaN means 'Not a Number' and is a default when a) no mileage is listed on your 1983 Arctic Cat snowmobile or b) the numbers were input incorrectly.Mar 25, 2021

What does it mean when a car says driven Nan miles?

"Driven nan miles" = it means it has scratch and dents from parking , can't be towed over 75 in a 100 zone … 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank. We've put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future.

What does Nan mean when buying a car?

So let's say you're looking to purchase cars online; sometimes, folks will put "NA" or "NaN" in the description in the hopes of getting interested folks hitting them up about the car so they can effectively negotiate a sales price, instead of them taking it to the dealer and getting hosed.

What is the full form of Nan?

For other uses, see Nan (disambiguation). In computing, NaN (/ næn /), standing for Not a Number, is a member of a numeric data type that can be interpreted as a value that is undefined or unrepresentable, especially in floating-point arithmetic.

What does Nan mean on a boat’s driving record?

“NaN” means “Not A Number’, so I’d guess it’s referring to the fact that boats aren’t “driven XXX miles” like a car. If a form asks for the number of miles driven and you have a boat, you might put N/A in the form. But some computer-generated forms require a number > 0 to work.

What is driven NaN miles mean?

It usually means "not a number" or that there's no value associated to the number of miles.

What does NaN refer to?

NaN is short for Not a Number.

Does mileage affect car?

Mileage is just one indicator of a vehicle condition. Theoretically, a vehicle that has covered more miles has more wear and tear, but a car with 60,000 miles on the odometer can easily be in worse shape than one with 120,000 miles. Cars and trucks like to be driven.

What does NaN mean urban?

Wes "Nan" is the equivalent of saying none, nothing, or nobody depending on how it is used.

Is NaN a real word?

Yes, nan is in the scrabble dictionary.

At what mileage do cars lose value?

Edmunds' analysis reveals that vehicle values decline only incrementally between 100,000 and 150,000 miles, and the rate of depreciation is similar to the decline that occurs between 50,000 and 100,000 miles. "After about the first 40,000 miles, vehicles depreciate at a slow and steady pace.

What mileage is too high for a used car?

There's no absolute number of miles that is too many for a used car. But consider 200,000 as an upper limit, a threshold where even modern cars begin to succumb to the years of wear and tear.

At what mileage do cars start having problems?

Generally, vehicles are likely to start experiencing problems after the 100,000-mile mark. Also, in most cases, they no longer have a valid manufacturer's warranty, meaning you have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket when something goes wrong.

What does nan mean in math?

In computing, NaN ( / næn / ), standing for Not a Number, is a member of a numeric data type that can be interpreted as a value that is undefined or unrepresentable, especially in floating-point arithmetic.

When was the NaN introduced?

Systematic use of NaNs was introduced by the IEEE 754 floating-point standard in 1985, along with the representation of other non-finite quantities such as infinities . In mathematics, zero divided by zero is undefined as a real number, and is therefore represented by NaN in computing systems. The square root of a negative number is not ...

What is a signaling NAN?

Signaling NaNs, or sNaNs, are special forms of a NaN that, when consumed by most operations, should raise the invalid operation exception and then, if appropriate, be "quieted" into a qNaN that may then propagate. They were introduced in IEEE 754. There have been several ideas for how these might be used:

What is the predicate for a NaN operand?

The other standard comparison predicates are all signaling if they receive a NaN operand. The standard also provides non-signaling versions of these other predicates. The predicate isNaN ( x) determines if a value is a NaN and never signals an exception, even if x is a signaling NaN.

What is the predicate for comparing with a NaN?

A comparison with a NaN always returns an unordered result even when comparing with itself. The comparison predicates are either signaling or non-signaling on quiet NaN operands; the signaling versions signal the invalid operation exception for such comparisons. The equality and inequality predicates are non-signaling so x = x returning false can be used to test if x is a quiet NaN. The other standard comparison predicates are all signaling if they receive a NaN operand. The standard also provides non-signaling versions of these other predicates. The predicate isNaN ( x) determines if a value is a NaN and never signals an exception, even if x is a signaling NaN.

What is a quiet NAN?

Quiet NaN. Quiet NaNs, or qNaNs, do not raise any additional exceptions as they propagate through most operations. The exceptions are where the NaN cannot simply be passed through unchanged to the output, such as in format conversions or certain comparison operations.

Is NaN the same as infinity?

In floating-point calculations, NaN is not the same as infinity, although both are typically handled as special cases in floating-point representations of real numbers as well as in floating-point operations.

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