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what are the parts of a courtroom called

by Maybell Konopelski Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Inside the Well of the Courtroom

  • Counsel Tables. Counsel tables are at the back of the well. ...
  • Jury Box. The jury box is placed along one side of the well. ...
  • Judge’s Bench. At the very front of the courtroom is the judge’s “bench.” It’s not an actual bench. ...
  • Witness Stand. Between the judge’s bench and the jury box is the witness stand. ...

Courtroom Elements
  • Attorney Tables.
  • Court Clerk's Station.
  • Spectator Seating.
  • Witness Stand.

Full Answer

Who are the most important people in the courtroom?

  • Not seeking court sanctions
  • Not withholding or delaying the disclosure of information regarding discovery objections
  • Only ask questions appropriate for the prosecution or defense

What to expect in the courtroom?

  • Then the DEFENDANT may make a Closing Statement to the judge. ...
  • The PLAINTIFF, if necessary, is given an opportunity to rebut anything the defendant brings up in his or her summation.
  • The Judge will make a decision.
  • The Judge may give an immediate decision.
  • The Judge may call a brief recess to consider the matter in chambers.

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Who are the various personnel participate in courtroom?

The Judge

  • to preside over the proceedings and see that order is maintained;
  • to determine whether any of the evidence that the parties want to use is illegal or improper;
  • in jury trials, to give the jury instructions about the law that applies to the case and the standards it must use in deciding the case before it begins its ...

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Who is allowed in a courtroom?

There is no Federal Rule of Civil Procedure that bars non-parties from attending. Although, usually the only people who come to the deposition are the person being questioned (also known as the deponent), the lawyers from both sides, and the court reporter or videographer.

What are the stands in court called?

The bar may be an actual railing, or an imaginary barrier. The bailiff stands (or sits) against one wall and keeps order in the courtroom. On one side is the judge's bench, the tables for the plaintiff, the defendant, and their respective counsel, and a separate group of seats known as the jury box where the jury sits.

What are courtroom seats called?

The term “chambers” just means the judge's office. Directly in front of the judge's bench, you will usually see chairs and computer workstations for 2-3 people. One chair is always for the courtroom clerk, who handles case files and paperwork.

What are the different sides in court?

The people or entities who are directly involved in a lawsuit are called parties. They are plaintiffs (those who are suing in a civil case) or defendants (those being sued in a civil case or accused in criminal cases). The parties may be present at the counsel tables with their lawyers during the trial.

What are trial parts?

A complete criminal trial typically consists of six main phases, each of which is described in more detail below:Choosing a Jury.Opening Statements.Witness Testimony and Cross-Examination.Closing Arguments.Jury Instruction.Jury Deliberation and Verdict.

What is the bench in a courtroom?

The term the bench refers to judges and comes from the name of the place in the courtroom where the judge sits.

What is a chair in court?

The Chair is responsible for the leadership of the governing body and is ultimately responsible for its effectiveness. The Chair should ensure that the institution is well-connected with its stakeholders, including staff and students. Leadership, Governance & Oversight.

What is the accuser called in court?

Macer – Otherwise known as a Court Officer - the person in the High Court who calls in the accused and any witnesses into the Courtroom.

What are the two sides in a criminal case called?

the prosecution and defense.

What does W F mean in court?

Warrant or FTA Status W or F column on DCH, ICH, SNCI, CNCI. A. FTA Adjudicated.

What are the steps of a court case?

Institution of suit: ... Issue and service of summons. ... Appearance of Defendant. ... Written Statement, set-off and claims by defendant. ... Replication/Rejoinder by Plaintiff. ... Examination of parties by Court. ... Framing of Issues. ... Evidence and Cross-Examination of plaintiff.More items...

What are the 7 steps of a trial?

7 Stages To A Criminal TrialVoir Dire. Voir Dire is a fancy French word used to name jury selection. ... Opening Statement. After the jury is empaneled, the trial will begin with opening statements. ... State's Case in Chief. ... The Defense Case. ... State's Rebuttal. ... Closing Arguments. ... Verdict.

What are the 14 steps of a trial?

Terms in this set (14)step 1: pre-trial proceedings. ... step 2: jury is selected. ... step 3: opening statement by plaintiff or prosecution. ... step 4: opening statement by defense. ... step 5: direct examination by plaintiff/ prosecution. ... step 6: cross examination by defense. ... step 7: motions to dismiss or ask for a directed verdict.More items...

What is a courtroom?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. A courtroom is the enclosed space in which courts of law are held in front of a judge. A number of courtrooms, which may also be known as "courts", may be housed in a courthouse.

What is the layout of a courtroom?

Depending on the layout of the room, a claimant may sit on either the right or left in a civil court, just as the prosecution may sit on either side (usually the opposite side to the jury) in a criminal court.

What is dock in court?

In the British Commonwealth (and many other countries), a courtroom used for trials of criminal cases often has a dock: a space exclusively reserved for seating a criminal defendant. It is marked off with a barrier, like the jury box and the witness stand. As late as the 1970s, some American courtrooms also had docks, but they gradually fell out of use. Defendants argued that they were prejudicial and interfered with the accused's right to counsel, since defense attorneys were traditionally seated at the table for defense counsel and were not normally allowed to sit next to the dock.

What is the name of the barrier that holds the witness stand and the court reporter?

The courtroom is divided into two parts by a barrier known as the bar. The bar may be an actual railing, or an imaginary barrier. The bailiff stands (or sits) against one wall and keeps order in the courtroom.

Why is the Royal Coat of Arms placed above the judge?

Like in England and Wales, in Scotland the Royal Coat of Arms is placed above and behind the judge or presiding sheriffs to symbolise the fact that trials are carried out in the name of The Crown. However, the Scottish version (unicorn on viewer's left, motto Nemo Me Impune Lacessit, etc.) is always used.

What is the space between the bench and the counsel table called?

This space is called the well. It is extremely disrespectful to the court for persons who are not court employees to directly "traverse the well" without permission—that is, to walk directly towards the bench across the well—and some courts have rules expressly forbidding this. Instead, if documents need to be given to or taken from the judge, attorneys are normally expected to approach the court clerk or bailiff, who acts as an intermediary. During trials, attorneys will ask the court's permission to traverse the well or "approach the bench" for "sidebar" conferences with the judge.

What is on the other side of the bar?

On the other side of the bar is the gallery, with benches and chairs for the general public. In some cases the gallery is separated from the rest of the room by bulletproof glass .

What is a courtroom?

Courtrooms are spaces used to conduct formal judicial proceedings. A courtroom is combined with Judicial Chambers and related support spaces such as Jury Suites to form a court/chamber "Set". A Courtroom in a Federal Courthouse includes:

Where are the courtrooms located?

Courtrooms are typically located on the upper floors of Courthouse building shell and core structures. Historic County Courthouse in Chardon, Ohio. U.S. Court in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Governor George Deukmejian Courthouse in Los Angeles, California.

What is a raised floor in a courtroom?

Raised floors: A Judge's Bench has a 24" raised dais above the courtroom floor ; Courtroom Deputy Clerk and Law Clerk stations have a 6" raised dais; Witness Stands have 12" raised dais; and Jury Boxes have a two-level raised platform at 6" and 12" above the courtroom floor. The public seating area and courtroom "well" have a raised floor—the preferred system for distribution of critical services (power, voice, data, and HVAC) in Courtroom space types. Raised floors for Courtrooms may have low-pressure high induction diffusers and be constructed of concrete filled metal pans at 24" modules with pedestal and stringer support, with intermediate support. Raised floors allow for adjustment of services to participant furnishings (tables, lecterns, seating) to accommodate line-of-sight and acoustical separation requirements.

Why is the bench raised in the courtroom?

This judge's bench is raised for optimal viewing across the courtroom and to create the sightlines and hierarchy necessary for the courtroom's proceedings.

What is jury seating?

Seating: Jury Seating is usually fixed based swiveling chairs with upholstered seats, and clear floor space to accommodate wheelchairs; and may be fitted with A/V monitors . Spectator seating is typically a wooden pew type, or may be upholstered auditorium type seating.

What are the design concerns in courtrooms?

Key design concerns in courtrooms include separate circulation patterns for public, prisoner, and judiciary members; special attention to acoustic and lighting levels; and balancing information technology and A/V systems design with the need for highly aesthetic spaces.

What is the GSA courthouse program?

GSA’s Courthouse Program —ensure the consistent, excellent, and cost-effective delivery of the courthouse construction program.

Where is the bench in a courtroom?

At the very front of the courtroom is the judge’s “bench.”. It’s not an actual bench. It’s usually a raised platform with a partial rail or enclosure that the judge sits behind. Near the bench, you will also find a secured door.

Where is the counsel table in a courtroom?

Counsel tables are at the back of the well. This is where lawyers and their clients sit during court trial or other court proceedings. Typically, the Plaintiff’s table is on the right side, and the Defendant’s table is on the left side. However, the Plaintiff’s side has the right to sit closest to the jury box.

How many chairs are there in a jury room?

It’s easy to spot because there are usually 2-3 rows of about 12 upholstered chairs situated inside a large railing or partial enclosure. There is often a door near the jury box, and jurors may use that door to exit the courtroom after a trial when they go into another room to deliberate.

What is the door in front of the judge's bench?

The judge and courtroom personnel may use this secured door to access the judge’s chambers or other offices. The term “chambers” just means the judge’s office. Directly in front of the judge’s bench, you will usually see chairs and computer workstations for 2-3 people.

What is a courtroom clerk chair?

One chair is always for the courtroom clerk, who handles case files and paperwork. A court reporter may use another, and judge’s law clerk may occupy a third chair. A law clerk is an attorney who works for the judge and assists the judge in conducting the business of the Court.

What is the well of the court?

As you move from the public seating toward the front of the courtroom, you will see a railing, often with a swinging door. This railing divides the public seating area from the “well of the court.”. The “well of the court” is a phrase that describes the area where court proceedings are conducted.

Where do witnesses sit in a court case?

Between the judge’s bench and the jury box is the witness stand . This is where testifying witnesses will sit while they are giving testimony in a case. You may or may not see a Bible near the witness stand. You can read more about what to do (and not do) on the witness stand here.

Where do clerks sit in court?

The clerk usually sits somewhere near the judge in the courtroom, and may even be in a recess that looks much like a witness stand.

What is the clerk of the court?

The clerk of the court is the person responsible for keeping all of the filed paperwork and exhibits for the court. There is usually an actual person called the clerk of the court, but he or she has a number of deputy clerks that are the ones who typically attend ordinary court proceedings. In some jurisdictions, the clerks are also responsible for administering the oath regarding giving truthful testimony. The clerk usually sits somewhere near the judge in the courtroom, and may even be in a recess that looks much like a witness stand.

What is the jury box in a courtroom?

This is the jury box. In traditional proceedings, this is where a jury will sit to hear testimony and review the evidence. Many criminal courtrooms also use the jury box to hold inmates awaiting hearings like arraignments/first appearances, evidentiary hearings, etc. Some smaller courtrooms that are used exclusively for bench trials (where there is no jury) may lack a jury box. Typically, the party with the burden of proof (i.e., the prosecutor in criminal cases and the plaintiff or petitioner in civil ones) sits at the counsel table closest to the jury. Since this party has the greater burden to prove their case, this is supposed to give them a better opportunity to see the jurors' reactions and to be seen by them, in turn. Some stories even suggest that this allowed the prosecutor or plaintiff to whisper things under his breath so the jurors could hear it. Of course, such conduct would be grounds for a mistrial and sanctions against the party who did it, so you will not likely see any whispered conversations with jurors in a modern courtroom.

Why do criminal courts have jury boxes?

Many criminal courtrooms also use the jury box to hold inmates awaiting hearings like arraignments/first appearances, evidentiary hearings, etc. Some smaller courtrooms that are used exclusively for bench trials (where there is no jury) may lack a jury box.

What is bench trial?

It is also a metaphor for the judge's role in a court proceeding. So, if you hear someone refer to a “bench trial,” that is a trial with only a judge and no jury , or a “bench warrant” is a warrant issued by a judge on his or her own initiative (usually because of someone missing court or being in contempt of an order by the judge).

What is the little divider between the judges and attorneys called?

Ever notice that little divider almost every courtroom has between where the attorneys and judge sit (the "well") and the chairs in the back for an audience? That divider is called the “bar,” and is actually why the organizations that regulate attorneys are called “bar associations.” When one passes the licensing exam to become an attorney, it is known as “passing the bar” because they were no longer the lay people forced to sit behind the bar, but could now join the legal professionals sitting in the well by passing the bar dividing the two parts of the court room.

What does it mean when a judge says a matter will be heard in chambers?

If one reads a notice of hearing that says a matter will be heard “in chambers,” that simply means the judge will not be using his courtroom, but instead will use a smaller hearing room.

What is a courtroom clerk?

The courtroom clerk (sometimes called the courtroom deputy) is usually seated in the courtroom near the judge. The courtroom clerk administers oaths to witnesses and interpreters, takes care of records and exhibits, keeps minutes of proceedings, prepares judgment and verdict forms, and generally helps the judge keep the trial running smoothly. The courtroom deputy is usually employed by the office of the clerk of court.

Where do lawyers sit in court?

In the courtroom, the lawyers for each party will either be sitting at the counsel tables near the bench or be speaking to the judge, a witness, or the jury. Each lawyer's task is to bring out the facts that put his or her client's case in the most favorable light, but to do so using approved legal procedures.

What is the job of an interpreter in court?

The court interpreter's job is to interpret exactly what the witness or defendant says, without commenting on it, even if the interpreter believes the person is lying. If a witness doesn't understand a question, the interpreter may not use his or her own words to explain.

How do court reporters record?

The court reporter sits near the witness stand in the courtroom and records everything that is said during the trial (or introduced into evidence) by typing it on a stenographic machine or by making an electronic sound recording. This becomes the official record of the trial. The court reporter also produces a written transcript of the proceedings if either party appeals the case or requests a transcript. Court reporters don't work only in the courtroom. They also record depositions in attorneys' offices and some conferences in judges' chambers.#N#The great majority of court reporters use a stenotype, a machine that translates keystrokes into symbols that correspond to the spoken word. Some use shorthand and a few use a steno mask, repeating everything that is said in the courtroom into a mask connected to a tape recorder, and transcribing it later. Finally, electronic sound recording uses microphones placed in the courtroom to record proceedings on a multi-track tape, which is monitored by a clerk's office employee (who need not be trained as a court reporter).

What is a witness called when they testify in court?

Because the witnesses are asked to testify by one party or the other, they are often referred to as plaintiff's witnesses, government witnesses, or defense witnesses.

What are the parties in a lawsuit?

The Parties. The people or entities who are directly involved in a lawsuit are called parties. They are plaintiffs (those who are suing in a civil case) or defendants (those being sued in a civil case or accused in criminal cases). The parties may be present at the counsel tables with their lawyers during the trial.

What is the role of a jury in a case?

It's the jury's role to decide the facts in the case, and to apply the law on which the judge has instructed it in order to reach a verdict. In cases where the evidence conflicts, it's the jury's job to resolve the conflict and decide what really happened.

Who represents defendants in federal court?

Defendants are represented by an attorney, who may be an attorney from the Federal Public Defender’s Office if they can’t afford a private attorney . There is a Federal Public Defender for each of the federal districts. He or she is assisted by several Assistant Federal Public Defenders, each of whom represents defendants within the geographic area. ...

How many clerks are there in a district?

Each district has one supervisory Clerk of Court, who then has one or more deputy clerks who assist with case management and courtroom duties. The clerk works for the judicial branch of government.

What is the job of a court reporter?

Court Reporter. Also known as a stenographer, this person’s job is to make an accurate record of everything that is said in the courtroom during the course of trials. Court reporting is a specialized skill that takes years of preparation and practice to master.

What does "PACER" mean in court?

Are you interested in reading court documents? Click here to visit the U.S. Courts PACER site. PACER means Public Access to Court Electronic Records.

How many jurors are there in a federal trial?

In federal criminal trials, there are always 12 jurors. In federal civil trials, the number of jurors varies, but there will always be at least 6 and no more than 12. Visit the Student Center page The Judge and The Jury to learn more.

What does a judge decide?

The judge rules on issues of law that come up in trial. The judge decides on the verdict if it’s a bench trial. District judges determine the appropriate punishment and sentence those convicted of crimes. Visit the Student Center page About Federal Judges to learn more.

What is the government's attorney called?

In a criminal case, the government is bringing a suit against someone accused of breaking the law. The government’s attorney is called a prosecutor . In federal district court, this is the U.S. Attorney or an Assistant U.S. Attorney. There is a United States Attorney for each of the federal districts. He or she is assisted by several Assistant ...

What are the pieces of courtroom terminology?

20 Important Pieces of Courtroom Terminology. 1. Plaintiff. The plaintiff is one side of every legal case. The plaintiff is the person, group, or business who files a complaint with the courts. 2. Defendant. The defendant is the opposite of the plaintiff and the other party in every legal case. The defendant is defending ...

What is settlement in court?

Settlement. A settlement is what occurs when either the plaintiff or defendant decides to come to terms in regards to their dispute outside of court. Settlements are usually in the form of a monetary payment to the affected party that satisfies them but does not require the party offering the settlement to admit fault.

What is a summons in court?

Summons. A summons is a legal document that requests a defendant appear in court. Summons are different than a subpoena in that it requests an appearance and is solely intended for a case defendant. A summons can be hand delivered by a sheriff, a server, or it can be mailed. 8.

What is an objection in a courtroom?

Anyone who has seen a television show that is based around the court of law or a movie with a courtroom scene has heard a lawyer bellow “objection!” An objection is what an attorney may pose when they have an issue with the way the opposing party is cross-examining a witness or a witness makes a statement that is considered hearsay.

What is the meaning of jurisdiction in civil cases?

5. Jurisdiction. The jurisdiction refers to the court that will hear the civil case. For most civil cases, the court that has jurisdiction decides on which court will hear the case. In federal court cases, jurisdiction is decided upon when the plaintiff and defendant are from different states and the claim exceeds $75,000. 6.

What is a misdemeanor?

A misdemeanor is a crime or punishable offense that requires one year, or less, of imprisonment. Common misdemeanor crimes include DUI, burglary, perjury, an assault that results in bodily injury, some cases of domestic violence, and obscenity. 12. Felonies.

What is a complaint in court?

The complaint is the catalyst of a legal case and the reason that a court appearance must happen. The complaint comes from the plaintiff, is against the defendant, and is a written statement detailing the plaintiff’s claims against the defendant.



Space Attributes

The judge generally sits behind a raised desk, known as the bench. Behind the judge are the great seal of the jurisdiction and the flags of the appropriate federal and state governments. Judges usually wear a plain black robe (a requirement in many jurisdictions). An exception was the late U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who broke tradition by adorning his rob…

Relevant Codes and Standards

Courtrooms are spaces used to conduct formal judicial proceedings. A courtroom is combined with Judicial Chambers and related support spaces such as Jury Suites to form a court/chamber "Set". A Courtroom in a Federal Courthouseincludes: 1. U.S. Court of Appeals Courtrooms, plus Sound Locks (entr…
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Additional Resources

  • Key design concerns in courtrooms include separate circulation patterns for public, prisoner, and judiciary members; special attention to acoustic and lighting levels; and balancing information technology and A/V systems design with the need for highly aesthetic spaces. Typical features of courtroom space types include the list of applicable design objectives elements as outlined belo…
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