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scandals about john macarthur

by Alana Stark Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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How much money does John MacArthur have?

Yet according to financial statements and tax forms obtained by The Roys Report, John MacArthur and his family preside over a religious media and educational empire that has over $130 million in assets and generates more than $70 million a year in tax-free revenue.

Was John MacArthur rich?

It was widely known that John MacArthur was a rich man. Pastoring Grace Community Church and being one of the most influential pastors in the United States undoubtedly comes with wealth from books, broadcasting, speaking gigs, and more. John MacArthur has a diverse portfolio of income streams tied to his brand as a pastor.

Does John MacArthur make money?

It’s clear the John MacArthur makes a lot of money from multiple income streams, which is a practice advocated at Evangelical Dark Web so that Christians are less reliant on the world. John MacArthur is doing this in practice, but the fact that he is in ministry makes his wealth distasteful to many. On principle, good pastors deserve ...

What makes Preachersnsneakers and ProphetsnWatches scandalous?

In reality, from a discernment perspective, what makes PreachersnSneakers and ProphetsnWatches scandalous is that those highlighted there are typically prosperity hustlers, promising God’s financial blessings in exchange for sowing a “seed of faith” (giving money to the dude at the top of the ecclesiastical Ponzi scheme).

Is it a violation of God's law to begrudging what other people own?

Begrudging what other people rightfully own is actually a clear violation of God’s Law . “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s” (Exodus 20:17).

When did MacArthur go to the Master's University?

And around 1985 , MacArthur came to The Master's University, which had previously been known as Los Angeles Baptist Bible College.

Who is Jonathan Holmes?

Part of the impetus behind MacArthur’s tendency to speak out comes from how he understands his belief in a high authority of Scripture, says Jonathan Holmes, a pastor and counselor who graduated from the Master’s College and worked there for several years.

Is MacArthur on probation?

He has frequently spoken out against the modern Charismatic movement. And the college he leads, The Master’s College, is on accreditation proba tion.

What is the MacArthur/Moore controversy?

The MacArthur/Moore controversy centers on whether a woman should preach, but really, it is about something much deeper: It’s about a woman’s gifts, a woman’s voice, and a woman’s place. Examining this exchange reveals some uncomfortable truths about church culture.

What does MacArthur say about women like Moore?

MacArthur claims that women like Moore are fueled by feminism and crave power. “When the leaders of evangelicalism roll over for women preachers, the feminists have really won the battle. The primary effort in feminism is not equality.

What is the point of MacArthur and Moore?

The point is that the way MacArthur handled the situation reveals an ugly truth about power dynamics within the church universal, where in place of of men stepping up to their God-given role as protectors, they turn to silencing women instead.

What does the Apostle Paul say about women teaching men?

Regardless of your perspective on the Apostle Paul’s admonition to Timothy about women teaching men, we should all agree that women are called to speak into the lives of other women. Paul addresses this charge in Titus 2:4, encouraging older women to teach younger women, to raise them up in the faith.

Who offered a clarion call to the men?

Even if you interpret Scripture in the strictest possible way concluding that women should never lead or teach or exercise any type of authority over men, the Old Testament account of Deborah offers an exclusion to that rule—and that exclusion applies to Beth Moore. She offered a clarion call when the men were quiet.

Is the pulpit the highest place of power in the evangelical church?

MacArthur goes on to say that the pulpit is the highest place of power in the evangelical church, so women preaching “is feminism gone to church.”. “This is not a minor issue, when you literally overturn the clear teaching of Scripture to empower people who want power, you have given up Biblical authority.

Did MacArthur allow women to preach?

MacArthur made no allowance for women preaching to other women. He made no allowance for older women shepherding younger women with their pastoral gifts. I assume that this was an oversight because Scripture is so certain on this issue, but it should be stated clearly that women are called by God to minister to women.

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