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rash in groin area female

by Houston Kunde Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Rashes in the groin and anal areas can be caused by several things. A yeast or bacterial infection can cause a rash. So can irritation from problems with bladder or bowel control. Protective underwear also can cause rashes or irritate the skin.

How do you treat a rash in the groin area?

TreatmentApply an over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal cream, powder, or spray to the affected area.Wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and warm water.Dry the affected area thoroughly after bathing and exercise.Change clothes and undergarments every day.Wear loose cotton clothing.More items...

How do you get rid of a rash on a woman's private area?

Vaginal rash home remedies Stopping the itch is most important. Scratching aggravates the rash. Eliminate anything that could be irritating your skin, such as detergents and soaps, dryer sheets, talcum powders, and skin creams. Wear loose clothing and cotton underwear, and avoid synthetic materials.

What does groin rash look like?

Jock itch usually begins with a reddened area of skin in the crease in the groin. It often spreads to the upper thigh in a half-moon shape. The rash may be ring-shaped and bordered with a line of small blisters. It may burn or feel itchy, and the skin may be flaky or scaly.

What cream is best for groin rash?

Most cases of jock itch can be treated with over-the-counter medicines. “You can use a topical antifungal cream, like Gold Bond medicated powder, Tinactin or Lamisil ointment,” says Dr. Modi. “If those don't work, you can go to your doctor and get prescription-strength lotion of a similar anti-fungal powder or cream.”

Which cream is best for rashes in private parts?

Because genital rashes often cause itching, OTC creams such as hydrocortisone can be helpful. A physician might also prescribe a cream that soothes itching while treating the underlying cause.

What does a yeast rash look like?

Superficial candidal skin infections appear as a red flat rash with sharp, scalloped edges. Smaller patches of similar-appearing rash, known as "satellite lesions" or "satellite pustules," are usually nearby. These rashes may be hot, itchy, or painful. Intertrigo appears as softened red skin in body fold areas.

How do I know if my rash is fungal or bacterial?

Skin infections caused by viruses usually result in red welts or blisters that can be itchy and/or painful. Meanwhile, fungal infections usually present with a red, scaly and itchy rash with occasional pustules.

What does jock itch look like on a female?

Symptoms of Jock Itch A red ring-shaped rash on the inner thigh near the groin in females is often one of the first signs of jock itch. It is usually dry and flaky and can also contain small, red fluid-filled blisters that may ooze.

Which soap is best for fungal infection?

Soaps play an important role in the treatment of skin infections. Aactaril is a medicated soap, designed for the effective management of common, superficial bacterial and fungal infections of the skin.

Can you put hydrocortisone cream in groin?

Only use hydrocortisone skin treatments on children under 10 years old if a doctor recommends it. Creams you can buy are not supposed to be used on the eyes, around the bottom or genitals, or on broken or infected skin. Hydrocortisone butyrate is stronger than other types of hydrocortisone for skin.

Can I use hydrocortisone cream on my groin?

Do not use the topical cream or lotion on the face, groin, or underarms unless directed to do so by your doctor, and do not use these forms for more than 4 weeks. To use: Wash your hands with soap and water before and after using this medicine. Apply a thin layer of this medicine to the affected area of the skin.

Is hydrocortisone good for groin rash?

Hydrocortisone can help stop itching of the skin and genital or anal areas, and it also helps relieve the discomfort from insect bites. In addition, it is of some use in psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. The product should be applied three to four times daily.

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