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magic chef 4.5 mini fridge

by Barbara Dach Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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Brand Magic Chef Magic Chef Danby
Name 4.5 cu. ft. Mini Fridge with True Freeze ... 3.2 cu. ft. Mini Fridge without Freezer ... 4.5 cu. ft. Mini Fridge with Freezer Sec ...
Price $23408 $28900 $36330
Ratings (307) (295) (3)
Jun 16 2022

Full Answer

Is Magic Chef a good brand for mini fridge?

The Magic Chef MCBR440S2 mini fridge has an average rating of 4.2 out of five stars on Amazon. The five star reviews include comments such as 'it's very, very quiet and very, very cold' and 'if you're in college or live by yourself, this fridge is perfect, it fits quite a bit in it. '

Why won't My Magic Chef mini fridge get cold?

Check the condenser coils to determine if they are dirty—if the condenser coils are dirty, clean them. The condenser fan motor draws air though the condenser coils and over the compressor. If the condenser fan motor is not working properly, the refrigerator won't cool properly.

What is the red button for in a Magic Chef refrigerator?

This fridge has a manual defrost thermostat. Push the red button by the temperature dial when you'd like to defrost the chiller (ideally after ice hits ¼ inch). Leave the temperature dial at its normal setting.

Is 1 or 7 the coldest setting on a Magic Chef mini fridge?

7 would be the max setting (coldest).

How do you fix a mini fridge that is not cooling?

Mini-Fridge Not Cooling? 6 Quick Fixes to TryCheck the power cord and power outlet.Ensure that the circuit breaker hasn't tripped.Change the thermostat temperature.Check the door gaskets.Replace the starter relay/overload protector.Listen out for the compressor.

Why is my mini fridge not cooling?

Some of the many reasons a mini fridge may not be running properly could be due to an issue in the sealed system, a failed compressor, failed evaporator fan motor, condenser fan motor, or a thermostat. Other issues could range from evaporator coils, start relays, the control board, or a restriction in the drier filter.

What number should mini fridge be on?

Usually, a mini fridge dial ranges from 1-7, 1 being the coldest setting, and 7 being the warmest. I set the control to number 3 or 4, a s this tends to keep my food fresh.

What temperature should I set my mini fridge to?

What is the Optimal Temperature for Your Mini Fridge? In any refrigerator, you want your temperatures to be between 32°F and 40°F. This is considered the perfect zone in between freezing, and the bottom line of the food safety zone.

Is 1 or 5 the coldest setting on a fridge?

So on a refrigerator what setting is coldest (1 to 5)? On every fridge the rules for the coldest settings are always the following: The numbers on the fridge's temperature dial indicate refrigerant power. The higher the number goes the colder the fridge will maintain. Setting it to 5 will make your fridge the coldest.

Is 0 or 7 the coldest setting on a fridge?

1 is the warmest, 7 is the coldest, and 0 is Off. At first, set the dial to 4 and allow 24 hours to pass before adjusting the temperature to your needs.

How cold can a Magic Chef mini fridge get?

A: The coldest this unit will get is approximately 29 degrees farenheit. This is if you set it on a #5 setting which is the coldest the unit can get.

How long does it take a Magic Chef mini fridge to cool?

4 hours4 hours are required for the refrigerator to cool down completely. Temperature inside the refrigerator is too cold. Temperature control is set too cold. Turn the control to a warmer setting and allow several hours for the temperature to stabilize.

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Product Description

Whether you're college-bound or simply want a little extra refrigerator space in your home, this Magic Chef 4.4 cu. ft. Mini Refrigerator has the storage options you're looking for. A can dispenser conveniently keeps soda in the door while additional door shelves provide space for other frequently used items.

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Product description

Keep your favorite drinks and snacks on hand with this Magic Chef Mini Refrigerator with Freezerless Design in Stainless Steel.

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