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long term effects of monster energy drinks

by Breana Schneider I Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What Are The Long-term Effects of Drinking Monster Energy Drink? Long-term consumption of Monster Energy Drinks may affect your body’s metabolism, cholesterol level, blood sugar level, and weight since energy drinks contain a high amount of sugar.

Several previous studies have shown that energy drinks may affect heart rhythm and blood pressure significantly. As energy drinks are sugar-sweetened beverages, long-term use may also affect the body's metabolism, including cholesterol, blood sugars, and weight.

Full Answer

Does Monster Energy Drink really give you energy?

With Monster being a leader in the energy drink industry, you know it's going to be packed with caffeine. The regular 16oz Monster has 160mgs of caffeine. Synthetic caffeine is quickly absorbed into your body, giving you the energy you crave faster than that of a naturally sourced caffeine. Click to see full answer

What are the side effects of drinking Monster?

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Aortic dissection
  • Sudden cardiac death

What are the benefits of Monster Energy Drinks?

Monster can even uplift your moods and increase your motivation to perform better. A review found that energy drinks could improve or maintain mood and performance in mentally demanding situations. As such, Monster Energy is definitely a quicker way to get an energy boost and provide an extra edge in your performance.

Can Monster Energy Drinks harm your body?

Yes, because it can cause your body to over react. It can make you tired. Monster is delicious:) It doesn't hurt your body unless you have over three a day everyday of the week! (Be careful not to get TOO addicted.)

What happens if you drink Monster everyday?

Tip. Too many Monster Energy drinks can cause health problems including increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and mental health issues.

What are the dangers of Monster energy drink?

SafetyLarge amounts of caffeine may cause serious heart and blood vessel problems such as heart rhythm disturbances and increases in heart rate and blood pressure. ... Caffeine use may also be associated with anxiety, sleep problems, digestive problems, and dehydration.More items...

Can energy drinks cause permanent damage?

How Energy Drinks Can Lead to Brain Damage. Simply consuming an energy drink won't cause brain damage. There are a number of other factors that come into play. However, the high levels of caffeine in these drinks can alter a person's behavior, which is why many teens have sustained injuries.

Is it OK to drink one Monster a day?

Up to 400 mg of caffeine per day is generally safe. Still, drinking more than four, 8-ounce (240-ml) servings of energy drinks per day — or two, 16-ounce (480-ml) cans of Monster — may cause negative effects due to excess caffeine, such as headache or insomnia ( 9 , 10 ).

Why is Monster energy so addictive?

These drinks contain mountains of sugar, caffeine, and other chemicals like taurine and guarana. The various chemicals in energy drinks can react with the brain in different ways, resulting in energy drink addiction for many users. Think caffeine addiction, but much worse in many cases.

What does Monster do to the brain?

Multiple studies confirm that energy drinks can indeed improve measures of brain function like memory, concentration and reaction time, while also reducing mental fatigue ( 2 , 3 , 4 ).

How many people have died from energy drinks?

According to the Food and Drug Administration, there have been 34 deaths attributed to energy drinks warranting investigation into the safety of these beverages. Energy drink consumption has been associated with cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, spontaneous coronary dissection, and coronary vasospasm.

Does Monster cause inflammation?

It can cause increased inflammation in joints, it can decrease the immune response, it can cause a pain flare-up, and it also has some nasty effects on the tooth and gums.

Can a 13 year old drink Monster?

The bottom line is that children and adolescents should never consume energy drinks. And they should drink plain water during and after routine exercise, rather than sports drinks, which contain extra calories that contribute to obesity and tooth decay.

Can a 12 year old drink Monster?

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that energy drinks should be totally off-limits to kids and adolescents. A cup of cola contains about 45 milligrams of caffeine, while a cup of coffee has about twice that.

What does Monster do to your kidneys?

Many people who drink energy drinks don't know that consuming these beverages can lead to kidney stones and other kidney problems. Allied Urology regularly provides services to help patients with kidney stones and other kidney-related issues, such as kidney infection and acute kidney failure.

How many monsters can you drink in a day?

According to various researches and studies, it is safe to consume only 400 milligrams of caffeine per day for a healthy adult, anything more than that may lead to several side effects. Concluding from this caffeine daily intake, one should limit the energy drink consumption to 1 or a maximum of 2 cans per day.

What are the effects of energy drinks?

The American College of Cardiology warns of the following effects of energy drinks on the body in the short term: 1 Increased blood pressure 2 Elevated heart rate 3 Irregular heartbeats 4 Aortic dissection 5 Sudden cardiac death

Do energy drinks have to be regulated by the USDA?

Energy drink companies do not face regulation from the USDA. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration classifies energy drinks as dietary supplements. As such, they do not have to adhere to the same standards as soda, coffee and tea.

Is Monster Energy healthy?

If you rely on Monster Energy for a quick pick-me-up during the day, you might feel worried about the side effects of energy drinks on the brain and heart. Luckily, you have options other than just being tired. Perhaps the healthiest alternative to energy drinks is getting adequate sleep.

Can energy drinks cause heart problems?

Sudden cardiac death. The long term side effects of energy drinks on the cardiac system include hypertensive heart disease, coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis. In addition to the problems with the heart, the ones with high sugar content may cause weight gain. While weight gain isn't necessarily bad for your health, ...

Can you drink too many Monster Energy drinks?

Too many Monster Energy drinks can cause health problems including increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and mental health issues. If you enjoy even the occasional can of Monster, you need to be aware of the dangers of too many energy drinks.

Does Monster Energy have caffeine?

Because of the lax oversight, energy drinks like Monster Energy can contain more caffeine than they advertise , if they even say how much is in each can. In addition to caffeine, energy drinks sometimes contain stimulants such as guarana extract, taurine, sugar and B vitamins.

Is energy drink safe?

The problem with energy drinks seems to be that no one really knows for sure what the long term effects are, but based on the ingredients it is safe to assume that the most dangerous ingredient in them seems to be caffeine, and its deceptive counterpart, guarana.

Is caffeine a long term effect?

While there is still a certain amount of controversy as to just what the long term effects of caffeine are, there are four major areas that have been associated (and well documented) with the long term effects of caffeine.

Does caffeine help with water retention?

Most of those OTC diet pills that claim to have a diuretic in them to help with water retention simply have caffeine. The caffeine is meant to provide extra energy that dieters aren’t getting from foods, but will also stimulate the production of urine which is what any self respecting diuretic should do. However, the downside to that is that over time, your body may become dependent on caffeine to stimulate kidney function and should you suddenly deprive your body of it, there could be serious consequences such as a loss of kidney function and a buildup of toxic urea.

Is caffeine bad for osteoporosis?

Of all the long term effects of energy drinks containing caffeine, osteoporosis is the least publicized risk factor. There are growing bodies of evidence that indicate the correlation between caffeine with the onset of and rate in which osteoporosis is evidenced in the body. This is thought to be because of the way in which caffeine promotes ...

Does caffeine cause calcium loss?

This is thought to be because of the way in which caffeine promotes the loss of calcium in bones. While there is yet to be conclusive findings, evidence is leaning in that direction. Of course there are also other long term effects that we are well aware of.

Does caffeine affect kidney function?

However, the downside to that is that over time, your body may become dependent on caffeine to stimulate kidney function and should you suddenly deprive your body of it, there could be serious consequences such as a loss of kidney function and a buildup of toxic urea.

Does caffeine increase heart rate?

Because we know that caffeine speeds up the heart rate and also has been known to elevate blood pressure, there is growing concern over the amount of people with cardiovascular disease that have spent a lifetime drinking coffee, and other caffeinated beverages such as those potent energy drinks that are loaded with it. There is empirical data which substantiates that caffeine may lead to arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Not only does it put you at risk for heart disease, but you may also be at an increased risk for strokes.

Are Energy Drinks Bad For You?

Energy drinks and their safety has become a growing issue as consumption continues to increase among young children and teenagers. Asides from the jitters and insomnia, what are the long-term effects of energy drinks?

What the research found

Multiple researchers have been attempting to answer the question of how energy drinks affect the body in both the short and long terms. The Journal of the American Heart Association published a small study.

Energy Drinks Side Effects

Researchers in Australia carried out seven years of data gathering from a poison control hotline. They found that overdoing it on the energy drinks can lead to specific side-effects.

Side effects from specific ingredients in energy drinks

Caffeine is the most common ingredient across all energy drinks. Everybody has a different tolerance level to caffeine, but most people should avoid having more than 400mg of caffeine in 24 hours. When drinking more than 400mg, restlessness, increased heart rate and insomnia are the most common symptoms.

In summary

Something worth bearing in mind is that government food safety agencies in the UK, the EU, and the USA recognise energy drinks as safe for human consumption. (5) More research needs to be carried out, with larger study group sizes, before we can say how they will affect people long-term.

What is energy drink?

Last updated on 15 MAR 2019. Energy drinks are widely promoted as products that increase alertness and enhance physical and mental performance. They are being marketed to the youth as a “replacement for alcohol”, deceiving their young minds that they are drinking “adult” drinks. Yet these drinks contain ingredients that are far higher ...

What percentage of college students drink energy drinks?

A growing trend among young adults and teens is mixing energy drinks with alcohol. About 25 percent of college students consume alcohol with energy drinks, and they binge-drink significantly more often than students who don’t mix them.

How much caffeine is in a 12 oz can of energy drinks?

A 12oz can can contain 120mg of caffeine. This amount of caffeine is 600% that of a regular soda like Coke or Pepsi. Regularly drinking caffeinated drinks with the combination of all the other ingredients in this can of energy drink can prove fatal.

What age do teens drink energy drinks?

Next to multivitamins, energy drinks are the most popular dietary supplement consumed by American teens and young adults. Males between the ages of 18 and 34 years consume the most energy drinks, and almost one-third of teens between 12 and 17 years drink them regularly.

How did Alex Morris die?

Died From Cardiac Arrhythmia. In 2013, a California mom sued Monster after her 19-year-old son, Alex Morris, died from cardiac arrhythmia. Paula Morris alleged Alex consumed two cans of the energy drink every day for three years—including the day he died.

Can artificial stimulants cause dehydration?

Even for an adult, this high amount of artificial stimulant can cause high blood pressure, heart palpitations, gastrointestinal disturbance, dizziness, irritability, nervousness, headache and severe fatigue from withdrawal, allergic reactions and increased urination that can cause dehydration.

Is Monster Energy drink toxic?

Too Much Glucose (Sugar) The primary ingredient in Monster energy drinks is glucose. A 12oz can of energy drink contains as much as 38gms of sugar (equivalent to 9.5 teaspoons)! Sugar is simply toxic. Feeding your body with such high amount of sugar with sodas and energy drinks can damage your body and lead to many health problems.

Monster Energy Drink Ingredients

The drink contains high amounts of sugar and other additives, including B-vitamins, amino acids (e.g., taurine ), and herbal stimulants such as guarana.

Monster Energy Drink Flavors

Monster Energy Drink is known for its wide range of flavors. Think of any typical energy drink flavor in your mind, and I’ll bet you a dollar that Monster has it.

Is Monster Energy Drink Bad for Your Brain?

When consumed moderately, Monster Energy is not bad for your brain function.

What Happens If You Consume Monster Energy Drink Daily?

Increased intake of caffeine can also lead to elevated blood pressure.

What Are The Long-term Effects of Drinking Monster Energy Drink?

Long-term consumption of Monster Energy Drinks may affect your body’s metabolism, cholesterol level, blood sugar level, and weight since energy drinks contain a high amount of sugar.

What Makes Monster Energy Drink So Addictive?

The culprit is caffeine, which enhances and fortifies dopamine signals in the brain.

How Do I Stop Energy Drink Addiction?

Reducing your energy drink consumption gradually until you can stop drinking altogether can help you with your problem. While it takes longer, this strategy can help you avoid withdrawal symptoms.

What are the adverse effects of energy drinks?

Potential adverse effects of energy drinks in relation to their ingredients. Cardiovascular effect. Several studies have shown an increase in heart rate and arterial blood pressure after energy drink consumption. These findings were attributed to the ergogenic effects of the caffeine content of the energy drink.

Why are energy drinks so popular?

Consumption of energy drinks has been increasing dramatically in the last two decades, particularly amongst adolescents and young adults. Energy drinks are aggressively marketed with the claim that these products give an energy boost to improve physical and cognitive performance. However, studies supporting these claims are limited.

How much caffeine is in an energy drink?

The major constituent in most energy drinks is caffeine. They usually contain 80–150 mg of caffeine per 8 ounces, which is equivalent to 5 ounces of coffee or two 12-ounce cans of caffeinated soda.

How does caffeine affect you?

Neurological and psychological effect. Individuals usually develop symptoms of caffeine intoxication in doses equal to or above 200 mg. Symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, muscle twitching, restlessness, and periods of inexhaustibility.

How old are energy drinks?

Energy drinks are aggressively marketed in places popular with teens and young adults. Approximately, two thirds of energy drink consumers are 13–35 years old, and boys are two thirds of the market. (4)In the U.S., energy drinks are the second most common dietary supplement used by young people; about 30% consume energy drinks on a regular basis.

How much energy drink was consumed in 2013?

The annual consumption of energy drinks in 2013 exceeded 5.8 billion liters in around 160 countries. (3)The estimated total U.S. retail market value for energy drinks was around 12.5 billion USD in 2012 and the market increased 56% from 2006 to 2002. (2)

When was the first energy drink invented?

The first energy drink appeared in the U.S. in 1949 and was marketed as “Dr. Enuf”. (1)In Europe, they were launched for the first time in 1987; then the market expanded throughout the world, becoming very popular after the launch of Red Bull in 1997.

How much caffeine is in a 16 oz energy drink?

Caffeine is a major ingredient in both types of energy drink products—at levels of 70 to 240 mg in a 16-oz. drink and 113 to 200 mg in an energy shot.

How many ounces of energy shots are in a bottle?

bottle. The other kind, called “energy shots,” is sold in small containers holding 2 to 2½ oz. of concentrated liquid.

Does caffeine affect children?

Caffeine also may harm children’s still-developing cardiovascular and nervous systems. Caffeine use may also be associated with anxiety, sleep problems, digestive problems, and dehydration. Guarana, commonly included in energy drinks, contains caffeine.

Do energy drinks affect your body?

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that energy drinks can have serious health effects, particularly in children, teenagers, and young adults. In several studies, energy drinks have been found to improve physical endurance, but there’s less evidence of any effect on muscle strength or power. Energy drinks may enhance alertness and improve ...

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